Articles by
John Byer Author

The Author/Detective has investigated a multitude of items related to either the Bible or Christianity. After his research, he has written short reports covering his findings. Some of those reports (Articles)are provided below for the reader’s interest and enjoyment. They

cover such diverse topics as the Trinity, Star of Bethlehem, and the word “perverse,” since it appears to be a ‘hot-button’ issue with some people. Other articles are in the development stage and will be added in the future.    

Articles by John Byer

Why does the author use the word “perverse” in the title of his book? This is a frequently asked question since many Christians object to its usage; they even find perverse to be a very distasteful choice of words, especially when it obliquely insinuates that problems may exist within their religion.  So … let’s make sure we are all on the same page. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines “perverse” as (1) something turned away from what is right: corrupt and (2) improper; incorrect. These definitions define Lucianity to a Tee since it is a corrupted version of Christianity that reflects improper and incorrect beliefs about Christ and the Christian religion. Some of this uneasy angst is compounded by the word Lucianity   because people jump to the false conclusion that it refers to Lucifer (when in fact it is named after Lucius) so that belief is erroneous and definitely not the case. To make matters even worse, some people also conclude that perverse is describing Christianity when in actual fact the word perverse is used exclusively to describe Lucianity.

Nevertheless, despite all these concerns, the detective intentionally used both words: perverse and Lucianity. He did this because during his investigation of the Bible, (where he followed just the facts), it was discovered that people who believe in Christ via the scripture forged by Lucius, truly are perverse! They are perverse in many ways, but the basic, underlying reason for the blatant perverseness is their daily, routine, and redundant prayers to Jesus since those very public, conscious, and bold-faced acts are performed in direct defiance and violation of the First Commandment (See Exodus 20: 1-7). These acts are improper; they are incorrect and therefore perverse … especially for the people who hold fast to the belief that the Bible is the inspired word of God. These routine and habitual acts of praying to Jesus, instead of praying to the true God of all mankind, represents corrupt behavior that is hypocritical (Matthew 6:1-18), extremely insulting, and in final analysis, deemed not to be ‘Holy’ in any manner whatsoever. These “prayers,” which are falsely and devoutly said to Jesus (i.e. who … in God’s eyes can only be considered an “other god” placed before Him), is completely contrary to the mandate of God as reported in the above verses of Exodus. As such, when in the history of man, did Christians ever get a special license to circumvent God’s will and His commandments without Divine excuse or authority? The language of the Bible is straight-forward and God’s command was clearly spoken and written with no exemption carved out for ‘Christians’. So, the bottom line is: no one possesses a license or the authority to avoid adherence to God’s word and law. Lucius never understood this fundamental point and has passed along his blissful ignorance of Mosaic Law to all posterity; he repeatedly made this mistake when he identified Jesus as the “Lord” in all his forged Bible scriptures. Therefore, as an acute consequence of all his manifest Bible mischief, Christianity has suffered in many ways, several of which include, but are not limited to the following: (1) severe mental blindness about God’s spoken word and His commands as revealed in the Book of Exodus; (2) a total misunderstanding about the purpose of Christ’s earthly visit which conjunctively reveals his real and true identity; and (3) complete ignorance about Lucius himself who single-handedly, as the Bishop of Cyrene, forged and corrupted 75% of the New Testament. As a consequence, Christians usually don’t pray to the Lord thy God – which is the accepted, expected, and normal method of praying … but all too often, and more likely, they direct their prayers of adoration improperly and incorrectly to the Lord Jesus (because they have been bamboozled by Lucius) and recognize the “Lord” as Jesus … when, in fact, this perception is entirely untrue. Thus, these misdirected “prayers” or pious recitations to Jesus are by clear definition: Perverse ! This argument by the detective is supported by Bible scripture: (A) Isaiah 53:12 where the entity mentioned in that verse (i.e. Jesus) is identified as a transgressor (i.e. a sinner), a label which applies to man, but could not …would not … and cannot be applied to the Lord God under any circumstance; (B) Daniel 7:13 where the anointed one (i.e. the messiah or Jesus) is identified as the Son of man (which biblically means: a human being), not God or the Son of God; and (C) Revelation 1:9-18 where Jesus Christ tells John during his spiritual visit that he is the “First and the Last,” thus identifying himself as a man since Almighty God has no beginning or ending. These three scriptural verses identify the messiah or Jesus as a man, not as God, the Lord, or the Lord thy God.

God didn’t send Jesus to earth to show … prove … and demonstrate that God is made in image of God because that (on its face) is nonsensical … or to prove that God could survive crucifixion on a cross by man … since everyone already knows that no man can kill God, but man can kill man, so this fact is another reason why Jesus was a man, and not God. The physical body of Jesus (or the Son of Man) was corruptible and it died, but his spiritual body, his soul or the image of God, is incorruptible (a reference to Paul’s epistle, First Corinthians 15:54) … and it has eternal life. So Jesus, like any man, and even this detective are made in the image of God, but that doesn’t make this detective the Lord God, and it doesn’t make Jesus God either. Nonetheless, for over 2000 years, man has been praying to a man (i.e Jesus) albeit a very special man as the anointed one of God, but still a man and not God. As such, praying to Jesus as the Lord is improper, incorrect or perverse and totally contrary to God’s First commandment. It is a sinful situation created by Lucius which most people knowingly follow, and unfortunately, falsely accept as holy. However, in spite of all this, the recognition of Jesus as just a “man” (and not God) should make people very happy… since now, they should be fully aware that all mankind shares the same spiritual potential as Christ — If they are truly holy, and pray only to God. 

Nevertheless, the truth is this:  Jesus Christ himself would absolutely forbid any prayers directed to him, particularly those identifying him as the Lord. After a thorough study and review, the reason for people maintaining this stubbornly-held, irrational belief about the divine identity of Jesus is probably rooted in what Mark Twain has wisely claimed, and what the Russians later confirmed through their propaganda research: It is much easier to fool people, than it is to convince them they have been fooled. This is quite understandable since the ego of man prevents him from admitting his mistakes … and on matters relating to long-standing beliefs about one’s religion, the change of belief is an extremely tortuous and exasperating decision due to social, interpersonal, and family implications. It is an even more difficult decision when two thousand years of recognized, established and publicly accepted ‘contrary’ history exists to contradict any rationale for change. This inherent fact of human nature (compounded by the private and sensitive issue of religion) is exactly why the detective has experienced some strange looks and animosity from family and friends regarding his investigation. They have held fast to all their beliefs about Christ’s life and the accuracy of Bible scripture, despite all the countervailing facts of fraud and forgery presented by the detective. And, somewhat related to this broad perverse subject of praying to Jesus, the detective harbors a very strong suspicion that Muhammad recognized the same issue with early Christians during the seventh century, and that is why he strictly built his religion around the First Commandment. Heretofore, only the Jews believed in a God without any visible image and the Islamic prophet adopted this belief as the core dogma of his religion. This insight also explains why no picture, statue, or image of the prophet is allowed since he undoubtedly observed how the Christians had placed Jesus above God in their worship — something sternly forbidden by the First Commandment.

So what word would have been better than perverse? The detective doesn‘t believe any word would appease the disgruntled masses. No matter the word, someone would object since the results of his investigation seriously question the truth of ‘Lucianity,’ a belief system which has masqueraded as Christianity for nearly 2000 years. Completely shocked by his findings, people immediately recoil and angrily retort because they assume their life-long chosen faith has been attacked … and of course, no one likes to admit that they have been deceived and so easily duped. Adding to all this unsettling news is the revelation that the Holy Bible, the last remaining moral authority of Western Civilization, has also been severely corrupted and compromised by the fiction of Lucius.  Without a biblical platform to firmly stand anymore, the believer now recognizes that his faith, his intelligence, and his decision-making capabilities about religion are seriously in question and deeply flawed, and as a consequence, doesn’t know who or what to believe. 

Being in a state of anguish, the church-going Sunday Christian feels a sense of hopelessness and despair. However, these “Lucian-Christians” only find themselves in this predicament (i.e. mental quandary) because they have swallowed Lucianity on mere “faith” where they have never been able to explain it or substantiate it. This in a nutshell is the essence of their spiritual dilemma. Real Christians don’t panic and get emotionally upset when their spiritually held beliefs and religion are facing negative attack … why? Because unlike all other religions, physical evidence exists    which, confirms and scientifically verifies the presence of intense, unearthly light during the resurrection of Christ. Additionally, only Christianity, and messianic Judaism possess centuries-old prophetic predictions about the messiah (i.e. Christ), which have been publicly and historically fulfilled down to the exact day. These facts strongly endorse God’s involvement, and should make every Christian very secure in their religious beliefs. 

The detective doesn’t know where the concept of accepting a religious tenet on faith originally began, but God sent Christ to earth in order to eliminate all doubt about the spiritual destiny of man’s soul … and similarly, to end man’s conjecture and constant recourse to accepting religious belief by “faith” alone. That is one of the reasons why Jesus was publicly crucified, suffered death for three days and three nights before God raised him up from the tomb; God wanted man to see and know for himself that he had a soul and Genesis 1:27 of the Mosaic Law was true.  After Easter Sunday, the words faith and hope should have been erased    permanently, and completely eradicated, from the lexicon of Christians … because God had dropped these misused words into the bin of bygone history. However, Lucius intervened, so the words still remain even though they are no longer needed for spiritual explanation. 

God wanted man to understand that he/she was created in the image of God and seeing Christ physically walk, and once again full of life after a very brutal, gruesome, and agonizing death, eliminated all the doubt, mystery, and speculation about man’s existence after the grave. However, to refute all naysayers, and ensure this message would never be forgotten again by any succeeding generation, God verified the reality and truth of Genesis 1:27 by creating and presenting man with spectacular physical evidence that vividly substantiates His message. This message about the spiritual nature of man, or the Second Coming of Jesus, was physically verified when radiation from the spiritual light of Christ’s soul sublimely burnt an image of his physical body (both front and back simultaneously), into the burial linen covering his bloody corpse during the resurrection event.  This image could only be created by intense spiritual light emanating from inside the dead body of Jesus Christ. Known today as the Shroud of Turin, it serves as a stark reminder that real Christianity is a religion based on visible, physical evidence where all scientific analysis concludes and substantiates that no power on Earth could have created it. That was true then, and it is true even today! … 2000 years later, no technology exists capable of reproducing the image that was burned into the Shroud, thus confirming that man truly is made in the image of God. 

So now in conclusion, the reader should have a clear understanding of why the detective described “Lucianity” as perverse. He believes prayer to Jesus as opposed to God is perverse, and even sinful (based on the First Commandment), but there are many other reasons. For instance, as part of his research during the lengthy investigation and the writing of his book, the detective asked hundreds of people who identified Christianity as their chosen religion one simple question: “Why did Christ come to earth?” Not one Christian, not a single one, knew the correct answer … but, an Islamic female acquaintance from Jordan knew, and she explained her answer in full detail. Now ask yourself, is that perverse, or what? That question is fundamental, and it demonstrates how shallow Christianity really is in the lives of most people. It was obvious from the above discussions that religion is only pretense, or put another way, just window dressing for the masses. 

This problem of vacuous, or mindless Christianity, is one of the issues the detective wishes to further pursue since it represents a key underlying reason for his book, and why Lucianity is perverse. After many years of muddled belief, (which was directly caused by scriptural misdirection and fiction fabricated exclusively by the guile of Lucius), this detective now has a clear gestalt of real “Christianity.” He can fully explain his beliefs, and his convictions. Similarly, he has a clear functional knowledge of his chosen religion absent all the mystery, because the perverse fiction and fraud within Lucianity has been exposed and eliminated from his body of beliefs. The detective doesn’t need faith or hope anymore, since he now possesses the unvarnished truth, where he knows the Lord God exists and Christ by his resurrection, fulfilled his Divine mission, proving to everyone that man really is made in the image of God. It is fervently desired that all readers of his investigation can find the same truth which has been revealed to him: Lucianity represents the prodigious and perverse labor of one single, overzealous disciple, Lucius, the Bishop of Cyrene, whose fertile mind fabricated nearly 75% of the New Testament’s scripture wherein he has deceived mankind for the last 2000 years by the use of creative fiction, fraud, and forgery in the reporting of Christ’s mission on Earth. On the other hand, history, prophecy (precisely fulfilled to the exact day) , and even scientific analysis all establish that God did send Christ to Earth, thereby verifying the essential truths of the Bible and similarly confirming that true “Christianity” is not perverse! Now that a clear difference and a definable distinction has been drawn between “Lucianity” and “Christianity,” all the issues and questions about the title of the detective’s book should be resolved.


Lucianity is a book that reports an investigation into the truth and falsity of the scripture contained in the New Testament.  It was completed by a retired police detective where he reveals for the very first time that one man (an overzealous disciple of Christ) is responsible for creating about 75% of the scripture, a fact which remained deeply buried in the church’s archives during the last 1600 years. Unlike all other investigations, the detective in this “Cold Case” is able to document, illustrate, and clearly identify the forgery, fiction and visible corruption within the Bible, and just as importantly, name the mysterious culprit. During the last two millennia, no one earnestly questioned the authenticity of the New Testament scripture, since it was believed to be the inspired word of God. This singular, uniquely select, and sacred classification removed the Bible from any form of real criticism or review.  As a result, if a person dared to question the integrity of biblical scripture, he was reflexively judged to be a heretic, ostracized, and even executed at various times in history. However, it is now the 21st Century, and due to modern enlightenment, physical punishments and executions for theological disputes about dogma are no longer the mode of resolution for such arguments (at least, not in the countries where a Western culture still exists). Thus, as this new millennium unfolds, it is finally time to draw back a musty, dingy curtain to publicly expose a ghostwriting wizard who has successfully hidden and evaded exposure since the first century AD … the name of this elusive and cunning wizard is Lucius, the Bishop of Cyrene who through guile, and his magical use of reeds and ink, mysteriously produced 75% of the New Testament. 

Now that this crafty forger’s identity is known and exposed to the public … action should be immediately undertaken to rectify his mischief, in order that prayer can be restored to the Lord God and the true message of Christ can resonate as a viable religious belief well into the future. Such a rectification should emphasize that Jesus taught his apostles to pray only to the Lord God and never to him (Matthew 6: 9-13), scripture which somehow has been unheeded by all those “Christians” who have accepted the beliefs of Lucius during the last 2000 years.

And for those who may have heeded the advice of Jesus, the detective has some disturbing and disappointing news. Jesus never said the “Our Father” prayer. The wording of the prayer represents the visible and discernible corruption of Lucius as He attempted to convince the readers of his scripture that Jesus truly was the Son of God because he prayed to his Father in heaven. But … Jesus would never say this prayer because he knew that God had no image and it misrepresented  the identity of God. The assignment of a masculine gender to God as a “Father” is a physical image which contravenes the commands of God (Exodus 20). Jesus really did say a prayer to the Lord, but it is judged to be something like the following:

O’ My Lord God
My Lord God, Yahweh
{Note: Jehovah was first used by W. Tyndale in the middle ages; thus, Jesus  never said Jehovah}
Who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
{Note how this above phrase now makes sense, since God has a name (i.e. Lord, Yahweh), and not the fake description of “Our Father” (created by Lucius), something that Jesus would never say because it contravenes the First Commandment by assigning an untruthful male image to God}.
Thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done
On Earth, as it is in Heaven
Give us for tomorrow, the needs of the body.
Forget our trespasses, as we forgive those who
have and do trespass against us.
Be thou our Guide in the time
of trouble, turmoil and temptation,
{Note: this version doesn’t say – “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen”
since God would never lead anyone into temptation, and it is something Jesus would never say,
but Lucius would, and obviously did since this phrase is included in the Vulgate Bible }
And, lead us in the paths of righteousness
for thy name’s sake. Amen

[[ Note: This version of the “Lord’s Prayer” was extracted from the following sources:  the Vulgate, Septuagint, and King James Bibles; Wikipedia; and Edgar Cayce Library.
The detective has used this version of Lord’s Prayer for more than fifty years, except  he did not eliminate the opening words “Our Father” until the last few years when he learned how Lucius had corrupted the scripture in the New Testament.]]

Was it just a spiritual blind spot by man, or were satanic forces at work causing this misdirection of prayers for the last 2000 years? The detective can’t answer this question. It needs to be answered by each individual based on personal reflection and introspection.

Nonetheless, due to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross, all essential facts and data are known to substantiate the reality of God and the existence of a spiritual world. The religion of Moses is defined as Judaism 101, where it acclaimed a God without any physical image (and yet every man, male and female, to be made in God’s image …  i.e. the spiritual image of God) while it also recognized the spiritual world by praying with uplifted, outreaching arms and hands pointing toward heaven. In the same vein, the Inner Sanctum housed deep inside the temple recognized a spiritual God, when in deference to His non-existent physical image, it was constructed as a totally empty and vacant chamber enclosed by three to four draping curtains serving as veils. Over time, the Sadducees corrupted Judaism 101 beyond all Godly recognition (i.e. the sins or transgressions of the Jews). These sins eventually prompted prayers by the Jewish prophets (Isaiah and Daniel in particular), where in turn, they received very responsive and pin-pointing answers (messages) from God. Then, exactly as foretold by God in the messages, Christ is sent to Earth in order to confirm the truth of Judaism 101 (more specifically Genesis 1:27) and precisely fulfill the messages given to the two prophets mentioned above; God does this via the death and the spiritual incarnation (or resurrection) of Jesus. As a result, Judaism 102 is born (i.e. Messianic Judaism). This newer version of the religion only develops because most Jews rejected Christ as the long-awaited messiah. Then 60 some years later, Judaism 102 evolves into a different religion (i.e. Christianity … or really Lucianity) because followers of Jesus formed their own congregations (churches) after their expulsion from the synagogues by the Jewish High Priest; when this fateful action occurred, the followers of Jesus unthinkingly and very foolishly adopted the fictional scripture of Lucius as the dogma of their faith. In any event, the Lord Himself validated Christ’s resurrection and the truth about a human being’s spiritual nature when He presented mankind with a full body 3D picture of Jesus on the Shroud fabric.  The creation of this linen image extends well beyond the scope of all scientific understanding making it incapable of replication by any machine, device or science laboratory known to man, thus confirming the direct involvement of the “Lord thy God” with the Judeo-Christian religion. This was not God’s first direct connection with the Jewish people since  Abraham, the first Patriarch and Prophet of the Jewish people, communicated with only one God … it was this same God who Moses earnestly prayed atop Mt. Sinai when he received the Ten commandments … it was this same God who stressed adherence to the First Commandment when praying (Exodus 20) … the same God who sent Christ to Earth to die in accordance with His announcement given seven centuries earlier to Isaiah, the same God who proclaimed via the angel Gabriel the exact  day Christ would die over five centuries in advance, and … the same God to whom Jesus exclusively prayed.

Christ did not come to earth in order to start a new religion … the law had already been given to Moses via the Ten Commandments. Christ only came to confirm the truth of Genesis 1:27 by clearly and demonstrably proving that man is made in the (spiritual) image of God. The Lord proved Himself to be an active God whether it was in the days of Abraham, Moses, or Christ  … evidence which does not exist for any other faith or religion on Earth and why messianic Judaism (i.e.  Judaism 102) or real and true Christianity (not Lucianity) is the religious faith of the detective.

The detective during his investigation asked hundreds of ‘Christian’ people these two very simple and elementary questions about their proclaimed religion … and to his utter dismay, none of the people in his personal sample knew the correct answers. Most of them responded “Christ died to save us from our sins” (quoting Saint Paul at verse 3 in First Corinthians 15) but that is not the correct answer based on the many years of research by the detective. Therefore, here are his best answers and best explanations which he derived from his studies:
Why God sent Christ to Earth …

First, God’s plan to send Christ to Earth was not a celestial decision made in the spur of the moment.  God doesn’t think, work, or react in that fashion. The idea of the Lord sending the Messiah to Earth originated long before the programmed event actually unfolded on the earthly landscape. Some say the Psalms of David, where many were allegedly written prior to 1000 BC foretell the coming of the Messiah, but now because of scholarly biblical research, the dating of the psalms is questionable and thus they are disputable. In any event, Isaiah (740BC-686BC) provides very specific information about Jesus in Chapter 53, not under the title of “Messiah,” but as the Suffering Servant, a very accurate and fitting description for Christ considering what he would physically endure at Calvary.  Isaiah prayed only for the Jews and in so praying, he described many of their visible transgressions or sins against Mosaic Law (e.g. idol worship and the corruption of Temple sacrifices). Because of these sins, he requests God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness for the Jews while also reporting the death and resurrection of the Suffering Servant in such a manner as to clearly define a larger reason and purpose for his brutal death (Genesis 1:27). Then, in the 6th Century BC, and at least 500 years before the public appearance of Jesus in Judea, Daniel reports in Chapter 9 of his Book the exact year of Christ’s arrival and the exact day of his death. He also foretells the anointing of the most holy; the detective asserts “the most holy” is the Messiah, Jesus Christ, or the Anointed One. Two chapters prior, the scripture reveals a vision seen by the prophet (Daniel 7:13) where he identifies an unknown Son of man (i.e. a human being) who rises with the clouds of heaven to meet God; then, about 500 years later, this prophetic scripture is finally fulfilled on the day of Passover 30AD. God’s message given to Daniel by Gabriel (Daniel 9:24), is validated when this vision and prophecy are sealed-up (or confirmed) by the spiritual ascension of Christ into heaven after his death on a Roman cross.  And once again, Daniel like Isaiah never prayed for the Gentiles; he only prayed to God to grant mercy and forgiveness for the transgressions committed by the Jews. Thus, when priests and ministers declare that Jesus came to earth to save “us” from our sins (where they very often make clear reference to original sin), the detective heartily disagrees with their claim; it is a false reading of Paul’s scripture and a total misunderstanding of the context where the Apostle made  this assertion in his epistle. Paul, himself would disagree with these Christian pastors because Paul was a Jew and he was addressing a synagogue full of Jews in Corinth, thus the word “us”!  Paul even qualifies his statement when he added “according to the scriptures.” The two Old Testament Jewish Books (Isaiah and Daniel) only address Jewish transgressions (sins) in their scripture; nothing is mentioned about the sins of Gentiles (i.e. the people who are not Jewish). And in this same vein, only the Jews made a covenant with God, so only the Jews could violate it …. which they openly did primarily due to their contravention of the First Commandment. Therefore, Christ wasn’t sent to Earth in order to “save” all people…he only came to save the Jews, but according to Isaiah, he would be a “Great Light” to the gentiles (i. e. the non-Jewish people of the world) … something which he has been for the last 2000 years (Daniel 7:14) And, even though Christ did not come to Earth to “save” the gentiles …. all people … Jews and gentiles alike … will learn in the following paragraphs the true underlying reason for Christ’s dispatch to Judea and why God believed it was necessary for Jesus to die a brutal death.
Why Jesus suffered a brutal death on a Roman Cross …

Additional evidence that God sent Jesus only to ‘save’ the Jews is proven by the manner of his death and more particularly, his planned, visible, immediate, same-body resurrection from the tomb. These latter events along with the above scriptural issues relating to the First Commandment and the spiritual nature of man all coalesce and help expound the divine rationale for Christ’s earthly presence. However, adding to this devilish stew is the rise of several political parties inside Israel during the 4th Century BC, one of which was the Sadducees … a visible example of the moral decay and corruption within Jewish society. This Party, especially after the occupation of the Greeks in 168-167BC grew in political influence and power. By the time of Christ, the Sadducees represented 70% of the Jewish Sanhedrin (the supreme council and tribunal of the Jews). The Sadducees no longer believed in the resurrection or life after the grave; for them, everything ended at the time of physical death (Note: This precisely defines, and explains exactly why God sent Jesus down to Earth to suffer a brutal death). Additionally, they wrote legal opinions and created new law that denied or overrode Mosaic Law; for instance, their view of the world denied the eternal truth of Genesis 1:27 which acclaimed that man was made in the image of God. Similarly, the symbol of Judaism, the refurbished Second Temple of Jerusalem (thanks to King Herod), had been totally desolate of spirituality for many years, all due to the organized graft and mafia-style corruption, which made the Jewish feast days and rituals extremely offensive to the eyes of God (Isaiah 1: 11-15). In other words, the Jews were not real Jews … they were Jews in name only (somewhat like most ‘Christians’ today), and as such, no longer considered God’s chosen people since they had forsaken their status as being “holy” unto the Lord (Deuteronomy 14:2). For the same reason, the Jews were not a peculiar people above all nations anymore (Exodus 19:5).
Now that the reader has a firm grasp of the situation in Judea, the singular reason for God’s assignment of Christ to his unique mission on Earth finally comes into proper focus. The Lord had orchestrated Christ’s mission, everything down to the smallest detail, but His non-visible, behind-the-scenes control was never apparent, either at the time or through-out the next 2000 years. It wasn’t apparent because Lucius had foolishly and falsely identified Jesus as the Lord, a misnomer that has caused harm to Christian belief in immeasurable ways. His deceitful corruption of scripture in the New Testament has misguided the readers of his forged verses into believing Christ could rise from the dead by his own initiative and innate power, even though verse 11 in chapter 53 of Isaiah’s Book described God’s involvement. Keeping no hidden secrets, God had openly proclaimed and precisely articulated the who, what, when, where, why and even the how of Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection, yet very few bothered to heed the message in Isaiah’s verses. During this critical period of Christ’s life, with the success of his assigned mission hanging in the balance, nothing happened to Jesus Christ by accident or misstep; every action was divinely choreographed and meticulously planned which includes the historically renowned public trial by Pontius Pilate; his crowning with a prickly wreath of thorns; his brutal scourging by 39 or 40 lashes; and finally, the nailing of his naked, bloody body to a wooden cross. Therefore, in this depiction of the resurrection scenario, Jesus would not be stoned to death in some quiet, isolated narrow alley by the Jews (because that would be a secluded event without a large viewing audience), and the Romans wouldn’t break the legs of Jesus either (because, if they obediently followed the customary crucifixion protocol), then he would not be able to walk out of the tomb. All these disparate issues were taken into consideration by God in order to pull-off a seamless resurrection. But once again, because of the antics by Lucius, people have failed to properly understand the mechanics of the resurrection, and hence, give too much credit to Jesus, when in reality, 100% of the credit goes to Almighty God.
Nonetheless, God recognized people had to fully comprehend and sincerely believe, (without any reservation whatsoever), that Jesus had really died … otherwise, future generations would always question and doubt the reality of Christ’s resurrection. So God, in order to eliminate this latter possibility, intentionally bided His time and waited patiently over several centuries until the Roman legions finally marched into Judea. With Imperial occupation now firmly in place, the Lord knew with absolute certainty that the crucifixion (an intentionally degrading and gruesome execution) would be a public affair. Widespread knowledge about punishments administered by Roman officials was a key feature of their imperial crime deterrence and crime control; as a matter of policy, conquered people needed to be regularly reminded about who was in charge. Stripped naked and nailed to a cross like a piece of rotten meat, high on a hill, just outside the walls of Jerusalem made Christ’s execution publicly visible to all residents and visitors of the city … and, since God scheduled the trial and execution to occur on the Feast of the Passover, He could then count on a minimum of several hundred thousand people as His potential viewing audience. (Note: It has been estimated that the courtyard of the Temple could hold a million people, all thanks to the renovations of Herod the Great who also upgraded the city facilities to accommodate all the people, many of whom came from nearby foreign lands. Thus, the scourging, crucifixion, and death of Christ were watched by very large numbers of people who could testify to his death.)  Additionally, just before Jesus was able to draw his last breath on the cross, and only seconds before his soul would exit his body, he emotionally pleas to God quoting Psalm 22, perfectly timing his biblical plea and his last gasp so there would be sufficient time to place his mortal remains inside the new tomb constructed by his rich uncle, Joseph of Arimathea … and, in this regard, while Jesus was still on the cross, he must have known exactly how much time he had until Sundown, since he had a perfect view of the setting Sun’s position in the late afternoon sky. Thus, only a few hours before sundown: Jesus dies; his soul exits his body; it rises through the clouds in heaven to meet the Ancient of Days (God); this event seals-up the vision (Daniel 7:13); it also fulfills God’s message about this vision (Daniel 9:24); and, during these events, his body was removed from the cross for its unique positioning and display inside the tomb in order that his body’s image would be captured on the burial linen when the “Light” entered his body (Isaiah 53:11, Septuagint and the Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll).
Then three full days later (after the passing of 72 hours), God guided the soul of Christ back into his life-less physical body (i.e. the “Second Coming” of Jesus). Since this was a divine act conducted by God, no one knows for sure exactly what happened, but based on the activities of Christ following his resurrection, and the physical evidence embedded into the linen cloth that covered the corpse of Jesus, one can be relatively certain that during the re-incarnation procedure high concentrations of spiritual energy (i.e. Light) filled every pore of Christ’s physical body. The Shroud’s image of Christ’s body (both front and back) testify to this fact, and it was probably during this same procedure when a complete physical check-up was administered and all necessary medical repairs were made to the body. The body is a physical machine and for Jesus to exit the tomb on his feet, his machine had to be tuned-up, or it wouldn’t operate. So, God had to heal his wounds, correct all the stiffness problems associated with lividity and rigor mortis, restore blood flow to the brain, and replace all his missing body fluids, et cetera, et cetera . Only after God did these things could Jesus rise and walk out of the tomb (Isaiah 53:11, Septuagint). God did all this … not Jesus! The Lord provided the Sadducees visible, living proof that refuted and contradicted their religious belief about man’s soul when Jesus visited his disciples and the Elder Gamaliel after his resurrection. And … God also provided all posterity, the visual, scientific proof of the resurrection when a detailed image of Christ’s full body was burnt into the burial linen by the radiating light of God or Christ’s soul which emanated from inside the body of Jesus … This linen image is known today as the Shroud of Turin. Man has acquired the Shroud courtesy of God due to His advance planning and the able assistance of Jesus.  All of this “in your face” evidence was used by God to demonstrate the ability of man to live after the grave… a capability man possessed since he has a spiritual body (or soul) made in the image of God. The resurrection or second birth of Jesus substantiated the verses contained in the Books of Isaiah and Daniel. Isaiah said Jesus would prolong his life after death, and he demonstrated that when he walked the streets and roads of Judea again. Daniel reported 500 years earlier that the Anointed One (i.e. Christ) would die on Passover and history confirms the accuracy of God’s words.
Not one word of this detailed, step-by-step, investigative analysis into the events surrounding the resurrection was written to belittle Jesus Christ or his brave, faithful actions at a momentous time in man’s history; the purpose of this analysis serves the exact opposite … and hopefully, people will recognize the truth of the detective’s investigation.  Why?  Because biblical facts, and biblical history, have been seriously distorted and misrepresented due to an overzealous Bishop … who corrupted about 75% of the New Testament, and even various verses of the scripture in the Old Testament. This detailed analysis is presented in order to correct a 2000 year old belief that Jesus possessed a spiritual power, unlike any other, which permitted him to resurrect from the dead; this false assumption denies the role of God in the event  and attributes the resurrection almost exclusively to the innate spiritual power of Christ.  That belief is untrue and has been false for nearly twenty centuries; this is confirmed by Isaiah 53:11. In any event, people should be happy and overjoyed by the detective’s report. For almost two millennia, people have falsely believed that Jesus was God, the Lord, or the Son of God … and these descriptions easily explain and justify how Jesus Christ was capable of rising from the dead … but let’s deal with reality. How in God’s name does that belief … or that information, help man in his spiritual journey? It doesn’t … but, if Jesus was a normal human-being (which he was), then every person on Earth should rejoice. Why rejoice? Because they should now recognize (like Jesus), they too possess a spiritual body that is made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) which can survive a brutal, gruesome, physical death, and then, also successfully escape perpetual consignment to a grave — a false belief fostered by the Sadducees after the corruption of Mosaic Law.

This blog wasn’t written as a complaint, nor as a plea for sympathy, but the Detective has been derided and slammed by many Christians who have spewed undeserved anger, derision, and outright contempt ever since he revealed the results of his deep dive into the scripture of the New Testament (NT). As a seeker of the unvarnished truth or “just the facts,” the Detective in his retirement years decided to read and study the Bible, a book which many people have read over the passing centuries in order to find answers to questions about their spiritual life and existence. Thus, after reading the primary portions of the Bible a myriad of times, the Detective at long last (since he is getting along in years), finally understood the scriptural messages that God had inspired, and more significantly, why Christ really died on the cross. Hallelujah! 

Except during his exploration and examination of the Bible, the Detective also found some disturbing, and quite unexpected information — all of which finally provided the reason for the exact similarity of scripture in the synoptic gospels, the rationale for the mysteries embedded in the Book of Revelation, and many other things. Unknown to everyone since the publication of the Vulgate Bible in 405AD, most of the verses inscribed into the scripture of the New Testament represent the cunning and devious legacy of an artful, scheming, forger. The evidence for this astonishing claim resides in a multitude of epistles, the majority of which were fabricated by one, very clever, and elusive disciple; he also forged major portions of the four gospels in the Bible. The name of this enigmatic, paper-pushing forger is Lucius. This mysterious man discreetly and covertly worked behind the scenes, leaving only a few identifying fingerprints that connected him to his misdeeds, so only limited information exists about him. However, a very thin and scanty historical record does reveal that Lucius diligently labored as a missionary Bishop during the first century at three different Jewish synagogues. These synagogues, which later became churches, were initially established to promote Jesus as the Jewish Messiah. Lucius was canonized a Saint for his apostolic era work, and is commonly known as Saint Luke, the real author of the gospel in the Bible that carries his name. Lucius (aka Luke) was the Bishop of Laodicea (Turkey); Bishop of Cenchrea (Greece); and the Bishop of Cyrene (Libya). 

The detective, baptized as a Christian at birth, confirmed years later, and schooled in Christian doctrine by people of the cloth for well over eleven years, was stunned and shocked by his investigative results … to say the least. Why? Because in all those years of Christian education and attendance at the weekly Sunday sermons, none of the information that he uncovered during his investigation was ever broached – not even once. From his ‘eye-opening’ discovery, he learned that during the last 2000 years, Christians have never critically read the Bible, or perhaps, never understood what they read, and thus, have only repeated the same spoon-fed pablum and false beliefs that were fed to them. The detective, who was living in the twilight of his life when he made his discovery about the forgery of Lucius, sat in a very quiet and lonely daze for many weeks, keeping his startling discovery completely to himself … without the utterance of a single word to anyone. It definitely wasn’t an Archimedes moment of unbridled and exhilarating ‘‘naked” celebration where he could gleefully yell Eureka! Eureka! He only prayed, pondered, and analyzed the possible long-term consequences if the findings of his investigation were publicly released. During this period of somber contemplation, the Detective kept asking himself why no one else had seen or figured out what he learnt and discovered. He couldn’t believe, conceive, or understand how he was able to recognize the biblical forgery, admittedly after a focused and intense study, and yet others were unable to see the obvious corruption committed by Lucius. The Detective concluded that he could not be the first person in 2000 years to uncover the truth about the origin of the New Testament (NT). There had to be other people before him — people who had far superior intellects, such as Origen, Augustine, Aquinas, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton and a cast of Popes, ministers, and other highly educated scholars. At least one of these well-versed, high profile personalities must have recognized the vast amount of forgery and facts that the Detective identified in the scripture at some point in their life. However, for some unknown reason, that person took the easy way out of this seriously uncomfortable situation in order to go along, and get along. Whoever that person was … he decided to remain silent. Ostensibly, he was afraid to rock the boat. The Detective considered this quiet course of action himself, but only for a fleeting second. In the end, he knew that silence would not be his course of action, despite the ominous consequences. Since his days as a Boy Scout, the Detective always believed that honesty is the best policy, so he would adhere to this policy and not remain mute. 

For the sake of true Christianity, and the salvation of human souls, the massive level of corruption would be fully exposed — in spite of the fact that it is a very touchy and delicate issue to publicly discuss with people who hold inflexible, deep-seated, and intractable religious views. The Detective knew that he would draw scorn, contempt, and non-belief from the millions upon millions of Christians who maintain that the Bible represents the inspired word of God. However, in spite of their sincere beliefs, (which are all based on a faulty interpretation of the Bible’s history and its scripture), the Detective understood he had a deeply-rooted responsibility and moral obligation to disclose the bare bone facts about the identity of Jesus as the Jewish Messiah — (and not as the Lord; God; Savior; or the Son of God).  For far too long, ‘Christians’ have over-looked God, sidelined God, and sanctimoniously eliminated God from their daily prayers, so it is the goal of the Detective to rectify this grave spiritual offense that exists within “Christianity.” People have willfully misdirected their prayers to Jesus, his mother Mary, and even other Saints. These pseudo-acts of prayer are a deliberate violation of the First Commandment and antithetical to the will of God. Jesus taught man to pray to the Lord God (who art in heaven), not to the spirits of dead human beings (who art in heaven). Why? Because Jesus Christ knew that only the Lord God had the ability to hear and respond to the earthly communications of man. That is the complete justification for the First Commandment, pure and simple. In some respects, many Christians, like the Jews before them, are repeating history, except they have now updated the ancient list of idols with newer models: they have replaced the idols of gold, silver and stone with a full roster of dead human beings as the recipients of prayer. All people, but mainly the unorthodox ‘Christians,’ need to pray only to the Lord God, who art in heaven, and no one else. 

Note 1: It is this type of sinful behavior which justifies the use of the word ‘perverse’ when describing Lucianity … the religion Christians actually practice. 
Note 2: The Catholic Church [unlike most of the Protestant denominations], does not promote the reading of the Bible since it has the Mass and a Pope. However, the Bible corruption of Lucius may be an underlying reason why the Catholic Church disregarded the Bible ages ago as a method of learning about Christianity. This latter point is pure conjecture since no evidence exists to support this speculation.     

In any event, after his discovery of wide-ranging forgery, the Detective found himself facing a major dilemma. Should he proceed, or not proceed? The gravity of the new facts troubled him, but he still wanted to know how the false beliefs and erroneous doctrine could persist for well over two millennia. His investigation wasn’t initiated for the purpose of questioning the truth of the Bible, only to fully understand the obvious corruption and who did it! (After all, he was a police Detective, not a minister or a priest.) Nevertheless, as his inquiry progressed, moving slowly and steadily forward, everything changed. He recognized that due to the corruption of Lucius, ‘Christians’ were practicing Lucianity, and they didn’t even understand the tenets or the basic dogma of their acclaimed faith. Thus, the purpose and direction of the investigation changed, since it now veered into comprehending which messages of Jesus were corrupted by Lucius.  And in this regard, one of the major corruptions fostered by Lucianity centers on the important issue of prayer. Due to the forgery of Lucius, Christians for the most part, always misdirect their “prayers” and they don’t even understand the proper and purposeful method of praying. In this regard, Jesus taught the Apostles how to pray (Matthew 6:1-13) and in those verses, Christ advised them to pray to the Lord God in heaven … (not the ‘Father) in heaven.  Why? Because God has no image, and masculinity is a male image (Exodus 20). This fact confirms that the phrase ‘Our Father’ was never spoken by Jesus Christ, since he knew that the Lord had no image (John 5:37). Thus, the phrase ‘Our Father’ (used in saying the Lord’s Prayer), is an overtly contrived corruption by the hand of Lucius. He intentionally inserted this iconic phrase into the Lord’s Prayer for the specific purpose of convincing non-messianic Jews that Jesus was the ‘Son of God,’ with the solemn hope it would convert them into messianic Jews. Returning to the verses of Matthew’s gospel as a final point: Jesus also taught the Apostles to pray in private, an instruction that many Christians have neglected and conjunctively fail to heed. 

Despite this instruction from Christ, “Christians” willingly (and routinely), dismiss, ignore, and side-step this admonition about prayer every time they attend church. Public attendance at a Synagogue, Church, or Temple is not, in and of itself, a Holy function, and it shouldn’t be used as a place of “prayer” according to the guidelines issued by Jesus Christ. However, do not take this statement the wrong way. These facilities are essential institutions for humans to learn and understand that the Lord God exists, man has an everlasting spiritual nature, and for providing instruction about the theological teachings of Moses and Christ. Nevertheless, it is important to stay on subject: True prayer is focused, private, one on one communication with God after he or she enters “into thy closet” (Matthew 6:6) where the doors are closed to keep everyone else out. Singing songs of glory while shouting-out ‘Hallelujahs’ and ‘Amens’ with the rest of the Church laity is certainly not prayer. Additionally, many Church-going ‘Christians,’ who practice and believe in Lucianity, routinely pray to Jesus (who is not God, but a man) and even Mary, plus a myriad of other Saints. These sinful acts are forbidden by the first commandment (Exodus 20) which is a fundamental law, and the basic dogma of true Christianity. God is ‘our’ Lord, not Christ, so all prayer needs to be addressed to Almighty God who art in heaven. The commandment clearly states that there shall be no other gods before the Lord God. Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Isaac, Isaiah, Daniel knew this, and only prayed to God (Exodus 3:15)… as did Jesus Christ himself (Matthew 6:1-13). If the detective gets just one person to understand this truth, then he has done his job. Fortunately, that goal has already been exceeded many times over, but the detective still wants the rest of the religious community to wake up, and come to acknowledge this same truth.

Note 3: With regard to the specific issue of prayer, this is where one finds redeeming virtue in the religion of Islam. Muslims keenly obey and vigorously heed the message contained in the First commandment; however, there are 10 moral commandments or laws, and no man or woman should be killed (beheaded) for not believing as they do. That is a total corruption of the Lord God’s commands.  

Fortunately, due to his prior work experience, and direct dealings with the criminal element over many years, the Detective obtained an uncommon understanding of human nature and knew exactly how Christians would emotionally react to this unwanted information about their faith. Regardless, whether it was spiritual direction, seasoned judgment, or a combination of both, the detective decided that the release of his investigation’s evidence was imperative. He recognized that every ‘Christian’ needed a forceful ‘smack upside their head’ in order to wake them up and get their undivided attention. Why? Because they have been sleepwalking through a mystical and dense fog of false beliefs and practices for the last 2000 odd years. For eighty some  generations, via their haughty misinterpretation of scripture, false adoration, and all the spurious prayers to a non-existent  Father who art in heaven, they have completely ignored the word of God as expressed in Exodus 20: 1-5, and are blindly unaware of their willful violation and non-compliance with the First Commandment. Boldly and openly, without a thought whatsoever, ‘Christian’ people continuously misdirect their prayers to Jesus and capriciously disregard the very first command that God gave to Moses. It wasn’t the tenth commandment, it was the FIRST, thus indicating that it holds the highest priority in God’s set of laws and rules for man. 
In conclusion, after a study of the New Testament, the detective realized that all the false beliefs and corruption embedded into the Bible by Lucius have bamboozled the Christians into believing that Jesus Christ is their Lord, their God, their Savior and thus an entity to whom they should pray. However, all these latter beliefs fostered by Lucius represent a direct affront to God and violate the Mosaic Law, especially if one prays to a graven image of Jesus on the Cross (Exodus 20:3-5). No matter how vile and disagreeable this may sound to the worldwide Christian community, it is still a grievous violation of the First Commandment and a serious contravention of Christ’s  teaching to his disciples; Jesus prayed only to the Lord God, who art in heaven, and never to himself. These various violations of Bible scripture are wantonly perverse and so is all belief that characterizes Jesus as being anything other than a human being … but yes, he was the Messiah (i.e. Christ), the Anointed One of God, the Son of man, the First and the Last, and a male made in the image of God. So why did God make this seemingly egotistical demand that required all prayers be directed only to the ‘Lord’ who art in heaven? Very simply it was because the Lord knew above all else — no person, creature, or thing ‘on planet earth’ possessed the ability to hear and respond to prayer. This unique capability is exclusively reserved to the living God who exists in heaven … with the added proviso that the Lord also has a strong desire to keep in regular contact with Man (both male and female), as plainly exemplified by the dispatch of the Messiah from heaven to earth in response to the prayers of Isaiah and Daniel. As Jesus reported many times, he did not come to earth on his initiative; he came to Earth because God sent him (John 5:37). 

Some people may find this information about the human nature of Jesus Christ hard to swallow, but it represents “just the facts” that were revealed by the detective’s investigation. Despite the disquieting revelation about Jesus being a man (not the Lord, but only a fellow member of the human race), his spirit or soul is still special. As the First and Last, Christ’s soul had originally incarnated into the physical body of Adam, so on this single issue alone, Jesus should be well-respected since he was the progenitor of the human race. He was highly favored by God for his spiritual status and his supreme sacrifices throughout the ages for the benefit of man. And even when he knew that severe torture awaited him on earth, Christ still descended from heaven as directed by God only to be brutally scourged and crucified. However, his physical body was then raised from the dead by the power of the Lord … thus verifying that all human beings have eternal spirits or souls capable of living beyond the grave. This Divine, real life drama, was planned, organized, and directed by God. Jesus fulfilled his starring role in this live play when he dramatically demonstrated that human beings possess identifiable souls capable of surviving physical death, while simultaneously confirming the truth of Mosaic verses which had been rejected by the Jews sometime in their past. With regard to this rejection of scriptural belief, the Sadducees (the dominant religious party in Judea), had intentionally changed and altered the ‘Law and/or belief’ established by Moses about the nature of man and his soul. They claimed that only God, and maybe the Angels, possessed everlasting life because after falling from grace in the Garden of Eden, man no longer possessed eternal life. This belief was contrary to [Genesis 1: 27] which declared human beings were made in God’s image, which meant: man also had everlasting life. The Jewish rabbis also taught that the grave was the final resting place for all human beings since they believed the spiritual energy of their bodies completely dissipated into a vacuum (absolute nothingness) upon physical death. Thus, in direct response to this corruption of Mosaic scripture, Christ was deployed to Earth by God to disprove and refute the altered Judaic beliefs about the nature of man. Jesus, in essence, saved the Jews or the ‘lost sheep’ of Israel because he restored a purpose for their wretched lives and gave them hope and a reason for their earthly existence … something they were lacking and spiritually lost after the Sadducees committed ~SIN~ when they willfully corrupted God’s word as revealed in Mosaic Law (i.e. the Torah). Jesus, the Messiah, did not come to save the Gentiles (all the non-Jews of the world) because they did not subscribe to the Mosaic Law. Christ only came to earth in order to save the Jews from their sin (as identified above), but Isaiah did report that Jesus would be a Great Light unto the Gentiles, which he has been for the last 2000 years. This concludes the Candid conversation about Christianity, prayer, and the corrupted NT.

Since the founding of Christianity nearly 2000 years ago, only a select number of people have correctly, and fully, understood the actual underlying reason and justification for the Christian religion. This seems absolutely impossible, extremely improbable, and very preposterous, but sadly, this staggering claim is true. Today, nobody really knows the God-given reason for Christ’s mission to the Jewish people in the first century. Over the past millennia, the spiritual rationale that explains the seven year assignment of Jesus to Judea vanished from public consciousness since it has been quietly buried under a thick blanket of false belief, false supposition, and false teaching. 

In this regard, most people are like lemmings; they just follow the crowd in mindless lockstep, even when it is moving in the wrong direction and marching over the cliff. Human beings hate isolation, and desperately seek to be loved, so to avoid all conflict, they generally do not argue … they do not question … they just go along to get along. The inherent psychological make-up of man actively supports and fosters this type of weak, acquiescent behavior. Regrettably, this human weakness (or the hierarchical human need of ‘love and belonging’ according Abraham Maslow) has been further aggravated by an unforgivable and blind acceptance of clearly forged and visibly corrupted Bible scripture, none of which understandably explains the true purpose of Christ’s earthly visit. This sinful deed was officially approved, and then signified by an imprimatur placed inside the cover of the Vulgate Bible when it was accepted as the Holy Scripture by a 5th century Pope. Now, due to that egregious blunder, people falsely believe they possess the one and only ultimate truth about Jesus Christ … when in fact they don’t. Compounding this issue of truth within Bible scripture, nothing surpasses the hubris of man, especially among the self-righteous. As such, only monolithic belief and uniform practice are allowed to exist in the pews of most churches, so the endless pages of forged scripture are transformed into the inspired word of God and solo independent rational thought is identified as heresy.  Evidence of this fact, (even today in the twenty-first century), is abundantly clear. For instance, there are about 2.4 billion Christians through-out the world, yet from this large number, probably only a smidgen, or a handful, of these self-ascribed faithful people scattered across  the globe can correctly answer this simple question: 
Why did Christ come to Earth? 

The answer to this question reveals the rationale of Christianity, so knowledge of the answer is essential and absolutely mandatory for a deep understanding of the religion. However, close to 99.9999999% of all respondents will answer incorrectly, thus demonstrating that Christianity is only a pretense in their unfulfilled lives. They     adamantly insist that Jesus came to Earth in order to save them by dying for their sins (i.e. to shed his blood for the forgiveness of man’s sins). But, this monotonous refrain is wrong — woefully wrong since it is primarily based on the false verses of Lucius that are inscribed into the gospels, acts, and epistles plus an inaccurate and incomplete reading of St Paul’s epistle (First Corinthians 15:3). People seem to believe that these apostolic verses, which are robotically and religiously misquoted time after time after time will miraculously become true after 2000 years of constant repetition. 

In any event, a person can’t be identified as a Christian if he doesn’t even possess an inkling of knowledge about the reason God sent Christ on a mission to earth … it defies all logic and rational thought, but nonetheless, this lack of understanding has been the on-going situation for nearly two millennia. Pious words are no substitute for cold hard facts which substantiate the true purpose of the seven year mission of Jesus on Earth. And yet, without knowing the basic facts that represent the essential, rudimentary, and fundamental issues regarding Christianity, prideful Christians still boast to be avid followers of Jesus, while castigating others for their unbelief about the verses and events described in the Bible. However, the truth of the issue is this: Christianity would not exist except for the fact that the High Priest of Judaism foolishly expelled all the followers of Jesus from the synagogues … which in turn incentivized the messianic Jews to establish their own churches, and then wanting complete separation and no identification whatsoever with the Jewish religion, they chose to be called Christians. Nevertheless, Christ was not sent to Earth by God to establish a new religion. So Christianity is not a religion ordained, supported or endorsed by Christ … and all that goes double for God. The Lord God had already given the Law to Moses, and the Mosaic Law commanded (in no uncertain terms) that all prayer and adoration be directed only to the Lord God … not to any idol or other god which would include Jesus Christ. That was the “religion” created by God, and fully endorsed by Jesus himself when he instructed his Apostles how to say the Lord’s prayer (not the ‘Our Father’ … a corruption by Lucius that is found at Matthew 6:9-13)! On the other hand, Christianity (i.e. Lucianity) is a religion created by man which actively promotes the violation of God’s First Commandment when clergy and laity alike routinely pray to Jesus as their Lord and Savior; therefore it is not a monotheistic religion in tune with the declarations of God and Christ. This justifies why the detective called Lucianity perverse.    

The book titled Lucianity was written by the author/detective to eliminate all the 
mystery inside Christianity, and in so doing, resolve and clarify many of the muddy and foggy issues confronting the populace of the Bible reading world. It provides undeniable certainty that Jesus was the anointed one of God; it describes the true and defined reason why God sent Christ to earth; and it reports the resurrection with scientific data which confirm that man is made in the image of God. Be that as it may, the detective does not want to leave anyone in the lurch, or dangling on a string so to speak, (even if they haven’t had an opportunity to read his book), so here is a short version of why God sent Christ to Earth. 

God sent Jesus on his earthly mission because the Sadducees (the ruling political party of the Jews) had corrupted Mosaic Law over the prior centuries, particularly Genesis 1:27. Via this scripture, Man had been advised (both male and female) that they were made in the image of God — meaning all human beings possess spiritual bodies (i.e. souls) in the likeness of God. These invisible, and eternal spirits, within the physical bodies of human beings, are the real animating force of their corporal existence, and … since they possessed everlasting life, they are also capable of surviving burial in a tomb or an earthen grave. However, after years of ‘intentional,’ gradual corruption, the Sadducees finally rejected this core dogma of the Mosaic Law. They no longer believed that man had a spiritual life, or any type of existence, after physical death. They believed that everlasting life was only ascribed to God, and maybe the angels, but not Man after original sin because this act of disobedience resulted in his expulsion from the Garden of Eden and his fateful fall from grace. As such, according to the belief of the Sadducees, man’s soul dissipated after death and there was no remaining individual spiritual identity. This concept of man led to lives without any meaning since there was no longer any defined or perceived purpose for human existence. In essence, this rejection of Mosaic Law and the acceptance of a false belief about the nature of man’s soul was the real “sin” of the Jews … and it was only a Jewish sin! It was not a sin of Mankind or the gentiles (i.e. all people not Jewish) because they made no covenant with God and were unaware of Mosaic Law and did not subscribe to it. Over the centuries, this sin of the Jews (the false belief about Man’s soul) was continually perpetuated down through Jewish generations, since it was constantly reinforced and supported by the preaching and writings of the Sadducee Rabbis. 

Thus, the dogmatic corruption and repudiation of Genesis 1:27 (Mosaic Law) is the factual rationale behind God’s decision to dispatch Christ on a journey to Earth; in effect, Jesus was God’s direct and dramatic answer to the sin of the Jews. The long-awaited response of God was finally delivered in April 30AD. Exactly as announced, hundreds of years earlier in the Books of Isaiah and Daniel: it was the brutal and very bloody crucifixion of Jesus, followed four days later, by a physical resurrection … a predicted event only accomplished because God reincarnated or returned Christ’s living spiritual soul back to his dead physical body inside the tomb. This very extraordinary executive action by the Lord God disproved the claims and beliefs of the sinful Sadducees! It established that their idea and concept of life was wrong, unfounded, and factually incorrect.  When Christ rose from the tomb, walked the streets of Jerusalem, (and even the pathways of Galilee and beyond), Jesus vividly demonstrated by word and action that he really was the same identical person who had died on the cross. His living soul also proved the dogma of the Sadducee priests was false … because it did not dissipate or disappear after the physical death of the human body. The lively actions of Christ validated the fact that there really was life after death, and the grave would not be the final resting place for the soul of Man. 

Thus the bottom line is the following: 
Jesus came to earth for the purpose of confirming the truth of Genesis 1:27, a Mosaic Law that declared man was made in the image of God; he did not come to shed his blood in order to save all mankind from their sins. The Sadducees no longer believed the soul of man had an existence after physical death (i.e. their sin) and the resurrection of Jesus dramatically proved they were wrong. Christ even confirmed this fact with John on Patmos Island when he spiritually appeared and reported that he had everlasting life. Jesus only came to “save” the Jews after they violated their covenant with God and no longer understood the true destiny of their souls. 

If Jesus Christ was really God, or the Lord, as Lucius and many Christians proclaim, then his death and resurrection are completely meaningless. Everyone knows God is eternal and could easily rise from the dead, but God doesn’t pull silly and grave acts or stunts like this for man’s entertainment … therefore, Jesus was not God or the Lord. Jesus was a man (which is exactly how he identified himself) and his spiritual resurrection has enormous implications since it clearly establishes that Man truly is made in the image of God and endowed with everlasting life. This is the message that God gave man when Jesus died and resurrected in 30AD. And, while on this subject, it is worthy to note that Isaiah reported the Prince of Peace (i.e. Christ) would be a great Light to the gentiles (i.e. non-Jews) and those who walked in darkness. Jesus Christ has been that Light for the last 2000 years. 

Detective’s Note: “Christians” balk at the idea that Jesus was a man and not God, but their disagreement and argument is not with the detective, it is with God who has affirmed that Jesus was a man (a human being), an identification with which Jesus  also agreed. Regarding this critical issue in Christian theology, Jesus identified himself as the Son of Man (a human being) not the Son of God; this latter title (i.e.  Son of God) is a falsehood that Lucius repeatedly inserted into the verses of the Bible … verses which people have incorrectly, and sadly accepted as true. Jesus not only advised that he was the ‘Son of man’ in the gospels (e.g. Matthew 18:11), but he also claims his humanity post-resurrection when he spiritually appeared to the Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos. During his appearance, Jesus proclaimed that he was the First and the Last and had everlasting life. With these chosen words, Jesus confirmed his identity with John who knew that Christ was the first man (i.e. Adam) and he will be the last… Christ didn’t identify himself as God, the Lord, or the Son of God. He identified himself as being Adam in a previous life (who was a human being and a sinner), thus establishing he had everlasting life and confirming the truth of Genesis 1:27. This proclamation made by Jesus totally refutes the sinful revisions to Mosaic Law that were believed by most of the Jews at the time and it justifies the rationale for why God sent Christ to confront the Sadducees and their false belief about the true nature of man. God doesn’t need to declare He possesses everlasting life, because everyone knows His existence is eternal … but for a mortal man (such as a crucified Jesus), it is a significant and very meaningful statement to heed. Furthermore, the identity of Jesus as a human being is also confirmed by Prophets Daniel and Isaiah, both of whom received clear-cut messages from God that assert his humanity. As such, Daniel had a vision about the Son of man (not the son of God) ascending to heaven (Daniel 7:13) which is then confirmed two chapters later by God when the Angel Gabriel delivers a message from the Lord in direct response to Daniel’s prayers. Then 500 years later, Jesus as the self-identified ‘son of man’ (or human being) fulfills this centuries old documented vision when he spiritually ascends to heaven after his death on the cross. In like manner, within the Book of Isaiah, chapter 53, verse 12, Christ is described as being “numbered with the transgressors” (i.e. one of many sinners which he was during his life as Adam); this is an indirect way of portraying Christ as a human being. God is definitely not a sinner which means Jesus Christ could not be the Lord or God. Thus, Jesus is identified as a human being by Isaiah and Daniel via the messages received directly from God, and also in the gospels, where even Jesus claimed his self-ascribed humanity many times. Jesus was the “arm of the Lord,” the “Suffering Servant,” the Anointed One, the Christ, and the Jewish Messiah; he was not God, Lord, or the Son of God. 

Before beginning this focused discussion into the resurrection, it is necessary to resolve several vitally important issues. First, why would God descend from heaven, incarnate within the physical body of a human being, willingly undergo a bloody earthly crucifixion, and then die in order to forgive the sins committed by man, when it is man who has committed sin by violating the will, ordinances, and commandments of God? Furthermore, why haven’t Christians raised this question with their pastors? Instead, they readily accept and eagerly believe every ministerial pro forma wordy sermon without any measure of dispute. Why are there so many sheep? Only heaven knows … but the answer probably resides in the traditional acceptance of the Holy Bible as the recognized supreme authority on all matters relating to faith and morals. People even place their hand on the Bible in Courts of law when they swear to tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Therefore, as a matter of traditional custom, almost every church-going Christian robotically believes the Bible represents the “gospel” truth and contains the inspired word of God.  However, such is not the case (not by a long shot), all thanks to the sneaky skullduggery of Lucius, the Bishop of Cyrene; sadly, his deceitful, very extensive scriptural forgery is visible throughout all the gospels and epistles of the New Testament. Consequently, as a result of his extremely devious and underhanded malfeasance, Christians have not understood the quintessential issues of their faith for the past twenty centuries. This is something that doesn’t seem possible, but the facts loudly speak for themselves. And then, complicating this whole sordid mess, Christians believing and unthinkingly adopting the false scriptural beliefs of Lucius, have responded to the above question about Jesus dying for the sins of Man with an answer that is completely backwards. Why? … because it points in the wrong direction by a full 180 degrees, the polar opposite of where it should be. Isn’t it man who needs to solicit forgiveness from God, and not the other way round?  Thus, if it is Man who needs the forgiveness of God, wouldn’t it be logical for a man to die on the cross, and not the Lord God? As such, there is only one undeniable conclusion: Jesus was a flesh and blood human being — something clearly reported to be the case in the gospels of John (20:27) and Luke (24:33-43). Similarly, this scriptural evidence is  supported by the prophets Isaiah and Daniel. After receiving messages from God, they both announced that the Messiah (i.e. Jesus) would be a man. Likewise, Jesus Christ identifies himself as the Son of man, not as the Son of God. Unknown to everybody, this latter identification about the Son of God only ended up in the New Testament when Lucius inserted it while he was forging the epistles and gospels. Compounding the identity issue of Christ, Jesus also said that he was sent to earth, and he didn’t come on his own initiative (e.g. see John 5:37). If Jesus was God or the Son of God, then Christ would not be sent anywhere. Instead, he would be doing the sending. Therefore, the deeply held belief of Christians that identifies Christ (as their Lord and God) is not justified by one shred of “inspired” Biblical evidence. In fact, this belief doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense and there is absolutely no evidence of any kind to support such a belief, other than the corrupted scripture of Lucius. Everyone knows that no one can harm or kill God, so God would not and did not descend to Earth in order to sacrifice ‘Himself’ on a cross. The Lord is an everlasting and eternal entity, which means that the resurrection of God would never occur. The reason for this is simple: God cannot die, would not die, and will never die under any circumstance. If God doesn’t die, then there can’t ever be a resurrection back to life. On the other hand, a human being can die and physically resurrect after death (e.g. Jesus on Easter Sunday), but only with direct help and assistance from Almighty God, the Lord of the Universe. This point of logic will be repeated so that it is clearly understood and not passed over: God can’t die, so God would never resurrect and additionally, the ‘Son of God’ never existed. Isaiah 7: 14 has been misinterpreted and misunderstood for many centuries: it states “Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son …;” it doesn’t say God will have a ‘Son,’ it only reports that the Lord would give a sign. And that sign was the pregnancy of the Virgin Mary when the soul of Christ was spiritually introduced into her womb (almost exactly the same way that the spirit/soul of Jesus would be re-incarnated inside his dead physical body about nine [ 9 ] months plus 33.5 years later). Christ’s type of birth doesn’t make Jesus the ‘Son of God’ in the sense that people think about children because God doesn’t have any human DNA since the Lord has no flesh and no image (Exodus 20); God is invisible spiritual ‘Light.’ People who believe Jesus is their Lord and God have a very limited view and perspective about the true nature of God. In fact, it is absolute folly to believe Jesus was God incarnate; this Christian belief only reveals man’s total inability to comprehend the ‘spiritual world’ and full majesty of the Lord God. People need to understand that God is a spiritual being who runs the entire Universe, and as such, would never reduce ‘Himself’ to fit inside a puny man or even a puny Earth. It is fantasy to think otherwise. The Lord will always be a spiritual entity, and never a physical entity cloaked inside the physical body of a human being. The essence of God is immeasurable, unlimited spiritual energy and the Lord has no image that is visible to man: read Exodus 20:1-6. In contrast, the spirit or soul of Jesus was capable of incarnating into the body of a physical man (a fact that means Christ was guilty of Original Sin in a prior lifetime). Jesus is not God or the ‘Son of God.’ He identified himself as the ‘First and the Last’ to John on Patmos Island … meaning his soul was inside the physical body of Adam and it was this humanity that made his bloody crucifixion possible. Therefore, Jesus is not the Lord or the ‘Son of God’ – he was a man, no different than any other human male, except for the elevated status of his soul which is proven by God’s selection of him to be the Messiah. In this regard, people have been hopelessly ensnarled inside a massive web of theological lies forged and embedded into Bible scripture by Lucius causing them to misunderstand the true identity of Jesus. 

Ever since Lucius falsely wrapped a blanket of divinity around the character of Jesus  in the first century, Christians have been fooled and misled by his deception. In his defense, this divine attribute is something Lucius, the ghostwriting Bishop of Cyrene, honestly believed that Jesus possessed … it was a firm conviction based upon his personal observations. However, the Bishop was wrong, because he never really understood the true identity of Jesus or why Jesus was sent to earth by God. In any event, Lucius was the one who misidentified Jesus as the Lord God and the ‘Son of God’ when he forged the scripture inside the New Testament. He created the deceitful lies and fraud which have hoodwinked and deceived people for two millennia about the real identity of Christ. As presented in the arguments above, Jesus confirms his human identity in Bible scripture (i.e. scripture which hasn’t been the subject of forgery and corruption by Lucius). Christ also proclaimed numerous times that he was a Son of man, a Bible term that means “human being” (e.g. see Matthew 26:2).

Hopefully, everyone now understands why Jesus was not God, or the Son of God. It is the detective’s strong hunch that Lucius reached the false conclusion that Jesus was the Lord (or God) after he saw Christ resurrect, and maybe after Jesus saved Lazarus by bringing him back to life. However, in these two instances, Lucius did not know nor comprehend that God was the one who brought Jesus back to physical life, and if Lazarus was really dead, then it was the power of God who Jesus was able to tap in order to save the life of Lazarus. In any event, these assumed powers of Jesus, along with his ability to heal the sick, blind, and lame only by words from his mouth and without the use of any medicines are alluded to very similarly in The Doctrine of Addai, the Apostle. This manuscript was written by Lucius (according to the newly discovered findings of the detective) long before he forged the gospels and epistles of the Bible. Nevertheless, in this book, Lucius reports that these powers are only reserved to God or the Son of God. This is the foundational data and history utilized by the detective to conclude that it was these events which induced Lucius to identify Jesus as the Lord and God, false characterizations of Christ which have universally been made by Christians for almost 2000 years. Lucius also transformed the ‘Son of man’ into the ‘Son of God’ to elevate the status of Jesus in the eyes of the Jews. 

Be this as it may, the Easter Day resurrection of Jesus had purpose, meaning, and deep spiritual enlightenment because Christ, the anointed one of God, was a human being. It was a real, and a deliberately, choreographed event that occurred in 30AD … a unique, one of a kind event which followed exactly the designed blueprint of the Lord and it happened right on God’s schedule. Precisely planned centuries in advance and then carefully watched and meticulously supervised by the Lord God, the resurrection supersedes all other events in recorded history. Nothing else even comes close, since this quintessential event directly affects every single person who has ever existed on the planet … no matter if they are currently alive or dead, young or old, Jewish, Moslem, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, or even pagan because it reveals that all members of the human race have a future beyond the grave. This joyous news about the resurrection of Man (all human beings) was something that provided an immediate spiritual benefit to the Sadducees since they had dismissed this Mosaic belief and even succumbed to the use of idols in order to provide some form of meaning to their empty lives.  As such, it “saved” the Jews, or more correctly, the Sadducees. At long last, the prayers of the Prophets Isaiah and Daniel were finally answered by God. The resurrection of Jesus corroborated the truth of Genesis 1:27 while simultaneously disproving the belief of the Sadducees about the future of man’s soul.  Specifically, it showed the Sadducees that they were endowed with a spiritual body (i.e. a soul) which was immortal and everlasting, thus justifying a divine reason for Man’s physical existence.  From a human perspective, nothing even comes close to this momentous revelation since it brilliantly discloses that life has spiritual purpose and genuine meaning. The resurrection of Christ reaffirmed the Mosaic Code and the original belief of Judaism regarding the nature of Man’s soul. It did so by demonstrating there is spiritual existence after death. It also verified that the spiritual body of every Man (male and female), is truly made in the image of God. This spiritual event has extremely significant ramifications because Jesus was a man living with a constitution of flesh, blood, and bones just like all other human beings. This truthful fact was proven by his horrific bloody scourging, death by crucifixion, and the DNA exam of the blood stains found on the linen cloth that draped his bloodied body in the tomb. Jesus Christ’s physical death proved he was a human being, and not God, as Lucius falsely claimed — Jesus was only a man. However, many docile, easily persuadable people still believe the godhead of Jesus is true, despite the undeniable and obvious falsity that Lucius forged into the scripture of the Bible. These people do not seem to realize that their belief contradicts and undermines the very essence of Christianity since it makes the resurrection of Christ a meaningless event for Man.

Nonetheless, the fact that Jesus was a human being and resurrected from his tomb has immense significance for the destiny of all humanity. On a theological level, the resurrection was God’s very dramatic and direct message to the Sadducees of Judea,   a message which explicitly countered their false belief that man did not survive after physical death and his ensuing burial in a grave. This false belief was an egregious “SIN” since it violated the ‘Law’ which God had handed down to Moses on Mt. Sinai and the covenant that all Jews had approved by universal acclaim. Disregarding the word of God as it is reported in Genesis 1:27, the Sadducees no longer accepted the Mosaic dogma proclaiming that man possessed everlasting life … believing instead that Man had lost his immortal soul (the image of God) ever since original sin and his fall from grace in the Garden of Eden. The resurrection of Jesus Christ demonstrated that they were wrong and it also rebuked their belief about the nature of man. The Sadducees were vividly shown to be wrong, not only in their understanding of man’s spiritual nature … but also in their interpretation of God’s Law as reported in the Book of Genesis. Christ, the anointed one of God, visibly proved by his sacrificial death, and resurrection, that ‘Man’ is really made in the image of God. 

The proof that Jesus was a man and not God comes directly from the Bible. In Isaiah 53:12, a verse either overlooked or never read by any Christians, it states “he (i.e. the suffering servant) hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors.” This verse is a reference to Jesus, so If Christ is a transgressor (i.e. a sinner) then he could not be God. The Lord God can’t transgress or sin against ‘Himself’, and it is God or most likely the Angel Gabriel who is transmitting God’s message to Isaiah. In either case, the veracity of the message should not be subject to doubt, especially since all other details of Chapter 53 were fulfilled exactly as Isaiah reported them 700 years earlier. Thus, according to Isaiah’s scripture, the suffering servant (the Messiah) would be a sinner, and that revelation reveals Jesus to be a man, not the Lord or God. This is also confirmed by Jesus when he spiritually appeared to John on the Isle of Patmos and identified himself as the first and the last … an admission which confirms the soul within Christ was the same soul that was inside Adam at the time of his incarnation. And, in the Garden of Eden, Adam was a sinner and therefore also a transgressor as God revealed in Isaiah 53:12.  

In a similar vein, the prophet Daniel had a vision where a Son of man approaches God (Chapter 7, verse 13). Sometime later, the vision is confirmed to be accurate and true when the Angel Gabriel delivers God’s message to Daniel. This message from God (Daniel 9:24) reports that the vision would be sealed-up inside a 490 year covenant which had been established with the Jews. The Son of man is defined as a human being (according Bible scripture) and Jesus reported many times that he was a Son of man. He did this so there would be no mistake about his real identity as a human being. And, because Christ was granted extraordinary earthly powers by God, he didn’t want people identifying him as God, the Lord, the son of God, or even as some angel. Then on Calvary, Jesus (i.e. Son of man) spiritually ascended to heaven from the cross when he died on Passover, thus fulfilling God’s word to Daniel. The only person who ever identified Jesus as the Son of God during the first century was Lucius when he corrupted all of the New Testament as explained in the foregoing paragraphs and the book Lucianity. The apostles never identified Jesus as God, Lord, or the Son of God, because they all knew he was the long-awaited Messiah, so they addressed him as Rabbi, Teacher, or Master.

And, as previously reported, Jesus admitted to being a man when he identified himself as the First and the Last, (i.e. Adam, a human being). As such, a mortal man is not capable of transforming his puny soul into the spiritual entity that humans know as God. It is impossible, and thus Jesus was not the Lord, God, or the Son of God, but only a man, albeit a very special man in the eyes of God. This should be fantastic news for every Christian since Jesus demonstrated via his resurrection that Man is a spiritual entity made in the image of God … who is also endowed with an immortal soul which upon physical death will not be confined to a grave or tomb for the rest of eternity. If Jesus was the Lord or God when the resurrection occurred, then none of this truth about the nature of man and his afterlife would be confirmed,

Thus, in conclusion: If Jesus Christ is God or the ‘Son of God’… as Lucius and many Christians profess, and firmly believe, then the resurrection of Jesus is an event that has no meaning because everyone knows that God can do anything and everything. Except, it is preposterous to think or assume that someone could kill God! That will never happen! Therefore, God’s resurrection is fantasy and will never occur. However, if Jesus was a human being as he and the prophets claimed, then his resurrection has enormous meaning since it shows that the destiny of all Mankind is everlasting life. 

The Star of Bethlehem has been a marvel and a mystery ever since the birth of Jesus. For the past 2000 years, the appearance of this magical star has captivated and puzzled all Christendom, especially the historians and astronomers who continually try (generation after generation), to ascertain the unvarnished truth of this wondrous Christmas story. Surprisingly, the report of this fascinating tale is exclusively found in only one Bible document, the Gospel of Matthew … where it has been the subject of intense controversy for two millennia. As a result, the verses about the Star have provoked and instigated a lot of studious scrutiny … as proven by a very sizable batch of scholarly articles and studies produced throughout the ages beginning in the third century with Origen, the renowned theologian and fabled philosopher of Alexandria, Egypt. Over the previous centuries, this myriad of scholastic studies has also identified a diverse number of birth years for Christ to which the detective will now join the mix and add his two cents because he has new insights and even some pertinent and related information that isn’t found in all the other reports. 

In opening up this discussion, the reality of the Bethlehem Star needs to be analyzed and seriously questioned because in the first century, all objects in the sky, not identified as planets, may have been called stars. As such, after a diligent review of the scripture and other known data about stars, it is the judgment of the detective that there never was a Bethlehem Star. The gospel of Matthew doesn’t describe unusual activity with any known star, but the scripture does portray the appearance of a “star in the East” possessing the characteristics of a comet since it very visibly travelled across a wide expanse of the nighttime sky. In addition, and much more significantly, this timely account of Matthew answers a long-running active debate about the correct age of Jesus. As such, it finally provides the confirmation needed to determine the exact year of Christ’s birth — an issue of endless and unlimited controversy that has raged for nearly twenty centuries.  
All of this information is welcome news for the detective, because in his book, “Lucianity” (page 68), he has decisively declared and pinpointed 5BC as the birth year of Christ, but he uses no astronomical data and only relies on biblical scripture. However, after a little research, one learns that 5BC was also the year of an unusual and spectacular heavenly event. It turns out that a comet is not only described in Matthew’s gospel, but it has been confirmed by Chinese astronomers in the Han Dynasty who reported the observation of a clearly visible comet (due to its dazzling long tail) in the skies for 70 days during the year 5BC.  The source of this data on the comet is an investigative report titled “The Star of Bethlehem – a Comet in 5BC – and the Date of the Birth of Christ” by investigator and author Colin J. Humphreys, 1991, University of Cambridge. It further discloses that the comet was first observed by the Chinese star-gazers between March 9 and April 6. Colin Humphreys then proceeds to calculate the date when Jesus was born. He estimates that the royal birth of the Jewish Messiah occurred between the dates of March 9 and May 4, 5BC. Sadly, both his calculation and conclusion are incorrect because he innocently assumed that the Apostle Matthew was providing dependable and reliable information. In truth, the  comet (or Bethlehem Star) was not visible at the birth of Jesus and the fraudulent  information did not come from Matthew. Colin Humphreys, and the hundreds of other people (who have written articles about the Star of Bethlehem), never knew that the gospel of Matthew had been completely corrupted by the forgery and fraudulent editing of Lucius, one of the 70 disciples and the ghostwriting Bishop of Cyrene. 
A focused reading of Matthew’s scripture (all of which has been edited by Lucius) reveals that it is not factual, truthful, or believable. For instance, at the time of Jesus Christ’s birth, there were no apostles to report events and keep timely records about Jesus; the only known verifiable witnesses were Mary and Joseph, yet they are never identified as the source of any information. And, even if some unknown mysterious scribes existed who were awaiting the arrival of the Messiah, they would not be privy to the privately held inter-actions that the three Magi allegedly had with King Herod. Additionally, it is inconceivable that a written record of their conversations would be available 40 some years later (i.e. the approximate time when Matthew’s gospel may have been written). Then, on top of these various conflicting issues, Matthew was not even an eyewitness to this meeting! So, with all this confusing data, one must ask a pertinent question: Where did he get this information regarding a meeting with King Herod and know the conversational issues? There was no mention or reference to the archival records of King Herod. Thus in all reality, Matthew didn’t know anything, and much of this story simply represents the specious ghostwriting of Lucius. By all accounts, Matthew’s knowledge of any event related to Christ’s birth (such as the Star of Bethlehem) is impossible without him quoting a source, which he doesn’t do. As such, most of the verses in chapter two of Matthew’s gospel are only deemed to be the false contrived fiction of Lucius, since they have no truth and real substance, particularly the verses about the location of the comet in the sky because neither Matthew nor Lucius were present at the birth of Jesus. The reason for their absence is simple: they were either unborn or infants themselves. Jesus would not have any apostles or disciples until he was 30 years old, but nonetheless, this truthful story about the comet had to have its origin somewhere, and the most likely place was Qumran where a community of Essenes resided. Mentioned below, someone from this sect undoubtedly wrote the original story about the comet and Magi which was then made available to Matthew where he could include the basic facts in his gospel. It is the detective’s hunch that Lucius expanded the narrative of Matthew’s gospel, and this accounts for the dubious parts of the story… like the verse about a star that “stood over where the young child was.” Stars may hold fixed positions in the sky, but comets don’t.  Additionally, if the dates recorded by the Chinese for the comet’s visibility are correct, then it is impossible for Jesus to be a ‘young child,’ because he wasn’t even born. Instead, he was comfortably nestled inside his expectant mother’s body (i.e. the womb of the Virgin Mary) and she lived in Nazareth, a town in Galilee, located 90 some miles (or 157 kilometers) north of Bethlehem, Judea. Therefore, in this incubated fetal position, the unborn Jesus was fully isolated and hidden from all eyes, so the narrative in Matthew’s gospel must be total fiction. It is particular facts like this which justify why the detective has accused Lucius of forgery and scriptural corruption. And, when speaking of Lucius, he is synonymous with Luke, the same individual who wrote the gospel of Luke; he is not the Greek medical doctor from Antioch. In his gospel, Lucius also discusses the birth of Jesus where his obvious and easily identifiable falsehoods are apparent throughout the first and second chapters. Lucius wasn’t a first-hand witness to any of the things or events that he describes in chapters 1 and 2 of Luke’s gospel; these chapters pertaining to Christ’s birth and his early years definitely reflect the creative writing of Lucius. Some of the basic information may have come from Matthew’s original gospel because Lucius had possession of his gospel ever since 42AD or 45AD whichever year accurately reflects the time when Matthew departed Jerusalem and went to the region near the Caspian Sea. 

The detective discerns that the comet in 5BC, and possibly the two earlier planetary conjunctions involving Saturn and Jupiter (which occurred in the preceding years of 7BC and 6BC), represent heavenly signals or ‘heads up’  alerts indicating the birth of a new King was imminent. The dazzling, 70-Day visible comet did not identify the day or month of Christ’s birth, only the year — because Jesus was born in October on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). This date was more than five months after the comet had completely disappeared from earth’s orbit and lost all visibility from the ground — according to the ancient records of the Chinese astronomers. Such being the case, it is also proper to report that the estimated dates of Jesus Christ’s birth made by Colin Humphreys are inaccurate. They do not function in God’s agenda (i.e. the timetable of 490 years that the Angel Gabriel delivered to Daniel, also known as the message of the Seventy Weeks). Unrelated to these facts but still on point, there is also evidence to believe that Mary and Joseph were members of the Essenes, a small religious sect  that eagerly awaited the Messiah. They are identified as the same people who were writing the “Dead Sea Scrolls” within the caves of Qumran – located twenty miles to the east of Jerusalem. Additionally, once Mary became pregnant, everyone knew a child would be born close to 40 weeks later. The Magi may have become aware of this information from sources within the Essene community. If this is the case, then the Magi knew exactly when to arrive in Bethlehem (that is, assuming the Three Wise Men are not part of the elaborate story-telling fiction drafted and promulgated by Lucius). Furthermore, Joseph and Mary knew exactly where they had to find lodging on the feast of Yom Kippur. Thus, when the time came for the birth of Jesus, they went directly to Bethlehem in order to fulfill the prophecy about the location of his birth (Micah 5:2) and not to pay taxes as Lucius asserts when he wrote Chapter Two, verse one, in the Gospel of Luke. 
Similarly, the Magi, who must have read the scripture in the Torah, surely understood after their study of Isaiah, Daniel, and Micah that the Jewish Messiah would be born on the Day of Atonement (Feast of Yom Kippur) in the town of Bethlehem. Why is this assumption by the Detective true? Because, if he (the detective) can easily reach this   conclusion in 2020AD, just by reading the Bible’s scripture, then the Three Wise Men could have easily reached the same conclusion more than 2000 years earlier. Yet, the possession of these two pieces of critical information (i.e. the day and place of birth), was still not enough for them to start their trek to Bethlehem. The Magi undoubtedly remained uncertain about the exact year of the Messiah’s arrival. They would need additional confirmation regarding the time of the royal birth before they initiated their long arduous journey to the west. The appearance of a ‘Star’ in the East which was first seen about March 9, 5BC (giving the Magi approximately 8 months of lead-time), forecast the arrival of the King of the Jews on the next Yom Kippur, October 11, 5BC. This eye-catching, celestial signal, along with all the other collaborating information at their disposal, finally gave the Three Wise Men the verification they required and anxiously awaited. In fact, when this divinely timed, eye-popping, astronomical fiery event lit up the sky around the whole world … its light announced to everyone on Earth, not just the three Magi, that the arrival of Jesus Christ would be forthcoming.  Why? Because this fabled Star was real (although fictitiously described by Lucius when he forged and corrupted the gospel of Matthew). Known for millennia as the Star of Bethlehem, this historically significant comet has been misidentified, and misunderstood, for the last two thousand years. 

One thing becomes very clear when reading the Biblical scripture related to the Star of Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus, his baptism, and even his death on the cross … it is this: Lucius, as Editor-in-Chief of the New Testament, always circumvents the huge, gigantean, elephant-size issue that sits very prominently right in the middle of the Christian story. His reasoning and rationale for circumvention are unknown, but when Christ is born on Yom Kippur … Lucius knows it, and yet he deliberately hides and conceals this fact from his reading audience. Lucius has intentionally dismissed    critically important, and extremely significant, identifying information about Jesus — the very information which precisely defines the purpose of his incarnation on Earth. For nearly 2000 years, the forgery and mischief of Lucius have gravely affected all Christianity in a seriously negative way. As a result, billions upon billions of people have been deceived and misled by his fiction. Why? Because they never understood the true purpose of Christ’s earthbound mission. The birth of Jesus on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement for the people of Israel (or the twelve Jewish tribes), is just one more tad of additional evidence that confirms Jesus Christ died and resurrected only  for the sins of the Jews, and not the sins of all mankind. Jesus himself said “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 15:24, KJV).  Therefore “Go not into the way of the Gentiles (i.e. all people not Jewish), and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 10:5-6, KJV).  What was the reason for this admonition about the lost sheep of Israel? It was given because only the Jews violated the Mosaic Law and Covenant that they had willingly and unanimously made with God (Exodus 19:8). The Jewish people intentionally ‘sinned’ when they denied the eternal, everlasting life of the soul (Genesis 1:27). Thus, the singular reason for Christ’s horrific death and his ensuing resurrection was the presentation of a factual, real-life drama which demonstrated to the Jewish Sadducees, and by extension to all mankind, that human beings really do possess an immortal soul. In any case, a complete explanation of Christ’s mission is revealed in the article titled “The real reason God sent Christ to Earth” — available on this website.

Detective’s Note ~ Mary and Joseph could not be interviewed by either Matthew or Lucius for two important reasons: (1) their absence from Israel; and (2) their deaths. Joseph had taken Jesus to India as a very young man (his missing years), and it is believed Joseph died there since nothing was heard about him after the trip; his death occurred many years before Jesus ever selected any of his Apostles. In the case of Mary, she had been quietly whisked away from Damascus, and secretly taken to Ephesus by the Apostle John (probably for her safety). This distant Asian city of Ephesus was located on the Aegean seacoast of present day Turkey. She lived there for several years after the resurrection of Jesus, before embarking on a strenuous trek to India with Jesus and Thomas. Mary died at Pindi Point, during the final leg of their long exhausting journey (Pindi Point is now located in Pakistan due to its 1947 United Nations partition from India). Thus, at the time when Matthew and Lucius were writing their Biblical scripture, both Joseph and Mary were dead in distant countries and unavailable for interview. 

The history of organized religion reveals that Man has found a way to corrupt every religious faith over time. Due to the ego of Man, he always believes that he knows better than previous generations, and this human condition is aggravated by a willingness to accommodate contemporary societal changes, even though they may not be in complete accord with the dogma of the faith. In the end, all of this leads to the inevitable corruption of the religion, especially if it has also become a business-like enterprise. These results were all predictable after the stage was set in the Garden of Eden. Going back to the dawn of humanity, original sin resulted because man thought that he could violate God’s law with impunity; the ego and arrogance of man clouded his judgment and nothing has changed since the beginning of time.

In Western Culture, the first reportable case of corruption is Judaism. It has not been the religion of Moses for over 3000 years … and over this long span of time, Mosaic Law has been altered and corrupted many times by priests, Rabbis, and even Greek invaders, so maybe it should be called something else. In response, God sent Christ to Earth for one exclusive purpose: prove to the Jews (primarily, the Sadducees) that their interpretation and understanding of Genesis 1:27 and the destiny of man’s soul was incorrect. To do this, Christ died on the cross, and resurrected from the dead, thereby confirming that spiritual life existed after physical death, and the grave was not the final resting place of man. Jesus vividly showed that Man possessed an eternal soul “made in the image of God” and due to his spiritual nature, he enjoyed everlasting life.  However, some followers of Jesus never really understood the purpose of his spiritual mission largely due to the forgery of scripture committed by Lucius, the Bishop of Cyrene, a devoted and ardent disciple of Christ (Lucius’ forgery created the second case of corruption). Thus, Christianity has also been corrupted … all due to the ignorance, arrogance, and hubris of man. Lucius never understood the real identity of Jesus … the assigned mission of Christ … or the purpose of the spiritual resurrection. His ignorance was incorporated into the Bible’s scripture when he wrote about 75% of the New Testament. Thus, present day Christianity doesn’t accurately represent the mission and teaching of Christ since neither God nor Jesus ever intended to start a religion in the name of Christ. And compounding this fact, Christianity today is not the monotheistic religion that it claims to be. Without logical perspective or any conscious thought, Christians direct their solemn prayers to Jesus as their “Lord and Savior,” a willful act in violation of the First Commandment. Due to all these latter issues, Christianity really represents the beliefs and dogma of Lucius, a singular fact which justifies the detective’s rationale in redefining the religion as Lucianity. 

And although, pre-Islamic historical data, facts, and records have been thoroughly scrubbed (so the truth of the Muslim prophet’s background remains a deep, dark secret and mystery forever), it is the detective’s percipient hunch that Mohammad was spurred to establish his religion not only because many idol-worshipers were present in Mecca, but also because of Christianity. The Prophet saw the Christians praying to Jesus as their Lord and God and that probably disturbed him very greatly, since he recognized it as a forbidden act. In the monotheistic faith of Mohammad, there was only room for one God (Allah), so Jesus was never identified as God or the Lord. The Islamic religion only recognizes Christ as a human being, the very same identification Jesus gave himself when he claimed to be the son of man numerous times in the Bible’s gospels. Isaiah and Daniel in the Old Testament also confirm Christ to be a human being when they identify him as a transgressor (i.e. sinner) and the son of man. This is Bible scripture that Christians have overlooked.  

Before the existence of Islam, Mecca, the birthplace and home of Mohammad, was  heavily populated by Jews and Christians; they were living in a region broadly known as Hiraz … a geographical name which has several different spellings. And based on the very limited information available the detective harbors a very strong suspicion that the Islamic Prophet’s first wife (KhadÄ«jah), fifteen years his senior, undoubtedly was a member of the Jewish faith. Mohammad sired several children with KhadÄ«jah and remained a faithful and devoted husband to his wife until her death. Based on their strong relationship, it is extremely probable that before Mohammad’s creation of his new faith, he had also subscribed to Judaism, especially since he was so familiar with Abraham, Moses, and the scripture of the Old Testament. The Muslim prophet even prayed toward Jerusalem most of his life; he did this until 624 AD, five years after his wife Khadijah died and eight years before his death at age 63, when he was allegedly advised during prayer to face Mecca instead of the Jewish city. A person doesn’t pray toward Jerusalem for many untold years, even without a Jewish wife, unless that person is devoted to the God of the Jews and the Hebrew religion. And according to Mohammad, “no human eyes can see” his God (i.e. Allah), so even the prophet subscribed to the same definition of the deity as reported in the Torah (i.e. Jewish Bible) when he described his Islamic God. He identified Allah to exist without a visible image, a description heretofore unique only to the Jewish God (Yahweh) … and not applicable to any other god from any other religion in the known world at the time. In this regard, the prophet adopted language exclusive to the “people of the book.” He modified the Torah’s wording of the First Commandment (Mosaic Law) to fit his specific needs. Mohammad then included it in the Qur’an as a core tenet of his Islamic religion. Once upon a time, it was also a core tenet of Judaism. But, like Christianity, and Judaism before it, Islam has also been thoroughly corrupted. God gave Moses ‘Ten Commandments’, not one, so the Lord would never inspire a belief that institutes rape and decapitation as the modus operandi to promote a religious dogma. Islam, in contrast with all other religions, had an army general as its leader and also its prophet, a very unusual combination. Mohammad successfully spread his self-styled religion by waging conquering battles against Medina, Mecca, and finally all of Arabia, just so he could forcibly install worship to Allah, his newly identified God. Unfortunately, the prophet’s overzealous and radical followers have adopted Mohammad’s wartime conquests as worthy and proper actions for them to emulate. Military conquest and brutal subjugation have now become approved operational procedures in their forceful and deadly methods of conversion, except in doing so, they have failed to march down a truly spiritual and holy path. The Islamic Prophet, like Jesus Christ, would probably repudiate what is occurring in the religion that bears his name.   

Post Script by Detective:
Thus, Abraham, the Patriarch of the Jews, and a man who possessed a special ability to communicate with God, distantly fathered three different religious faiths, all of which have been corrupted over time, and no longer completely represent their original intent … they are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  The detective has spoken very frankly and directly about the staggering amount of corruption in the New Testament, and within his writings, he has severely lambasted the transgressors, namely — the Sadducees (Jews) for corrupting the meaning of Genesis 1:27 and Lucius (also a Jew) for corrupting the gospels and epistles of Christ’s apostles. Some people could be offended since they are very sensitive about harsh criticism, especially when the finger of blame is pointed only at the Jews. The historical record of the last twenty centuries provides ample, justifiable reason for their edgy reaction to the author’s criticism. However, a good detective deals with “just the facts” not only because they represent the truth, but also because they are very stubborn things to avoid and circumvent during an honest investigation. Yet, the same facts work in two ways and they reveal to the detective that the misguided and sinful offenders of the past are now dead, and their progeny had absolutely nothing to do with the sins and crimes of their Jewish forefathers. Therefore, no blame can placed upon the children and the twenty centuries of descendants, for the corruption of the Mosaic Code and the execution of Jesus, due to their innocence and total lack of complicity. 

From the foregoing discussion, one would not know that the Detective is extremely appreciative of the Jewish people. Nonetheless, he wonders where the world would be… if the Jews didn’t exist. It was their singular, uncommon connection with God, along with their divinely-inspired Books of scriptural knowledge that gave him a keen understanding of his own innate nature: he learned that the essence of his being is an invisible, immortal soul (Genesis 1:27). The existence of this soul means he has a spiritual reason and purpose for his life … a life which has also been blessed with an everlasting destiny. In consequence, the Detective believes that every God-fearing, God-loving person on this planet owes a big debt of gratitude to the Jews and should get down on their knees and thank God that these Israelites (unlike all other people on this planet), knew how to pray and communicate directly with the Lord. After Abraham, others followed: there was Isaac, Jacob (i.e. Israel), Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Daniel, and Jesus … all of them had direct or indirect contact with the Lord God, and all of them are identified as Jews. The Hebrews had a unique relationship with the Creator because (as reported by Moses in the Book of Deuteronomy), it was the Lord’s divine judgment that they were a ‘peculiar people’ unto the ‘Lord thy God’ since they stood alone in the world as a holy people. Why? Because the Jews knew how to pray, not only by deferentially kneeling with their palms held high into the air (thus acknowledging that God was housed in Heaven), but also by the manner of their earnest words. However, and far more importantly, they knew the Lord God was the real, and true, entity to whom their prayers should be directed, and not some earthbound object of worship. Unlike the idols of gold and silver with graven images to which many people worshipped and prayed at the time, the Jews invisible God in heaven listened to them and in due course, the Lord appropriately responded to their solicitous prayers. Thus, the Jews earned their status as ‘holy’ because of their devout prayer, where they manifested their faith by focused, sincere, and properly directed prayer to the Lord God in heaven. In turn, those prayers eventually created a clear channel of open communication between a responsive God and the ‘chosen’ people. It was a momentary time in history when no other race or culture matched the spirituality of the Hebrews. As such, the example of the Jews provides an important lesson for everyone, and also a virtue everyone should emulate and follow in his or her daily life. 

In summary, several thousand years ago, the Jews developed an uncanny connection to God; they were able to do this because of their holiness and devout spirituality. Then subsequent to Moses, their knowledge and understanding of God was scripturally broadcast to rest of the world via the Torah (i.e. Mosaic Law). As time passed, the Jews believed that some of the tenets in the Mosaic Code (i.e. Torah) were wrong so they revised the dogma which eventually led to the loss of meaning and purpose for human life. This was sin in its truest sense, since original Judaism became so corrupted that some Jews even resorted to idol worship. Judaism was no longer Judaism as originally proclaimed by Moses since the Sadducee Rabbis had dismissed a fundamental “Law” (Genesis 1:27) which stated that Man, both male and female, was made in the image of God. As a consequence, Isaiah and Daniel earnestly prayed to God. The Lord answered their prayers hundreds of years later to establish the fact that God exists and the Lord really does run the world since “He” fulfilled all verses of prophecy. The Lord also sent Jesus to earth in order to confirm Mosaic Law and show the Sadducees that their belief about Man’s spiritual nature was irrevocably wrong. Due to all this Jewish history, which finally resulted in the dispatch of Jesus as God’s emissary, over one-third of the Earth’s ‘Gentile’ population is now the beneficiary of this special Jewish relationship with the one and only true Lord God of the Universe.  Today, thanks to the Abrahamic and Mosaic Jews of the past, the true God of Mankind is known to all humanity. In short, that is why the Detective is very grateful to the Jewish people.  

Ever since the first century, Christians have asserted that the gospels and epistles of the apostles accurately reflect the activities and preaching of Jesus. This belief was acknowledged in 405AD when St Jerome organized and compiled these various apostolic manuscripts within the Vulgate Bible, where they were collectively identified as the New Testament and deemed to represent the dogma of the Christian church. With the passage of more time, the Bible steadily gained moral prestige and a reverential status among the faithful Christians who acclaimed the book as “Holy” and the inspired word of God. 

Then at the opening of the twenty-first century, everything about the Bible was turned inside out, and upside down. After 2000 years, a focused white paper investigation revealed that 75% of the New Testament was forged. It was discovered that Lucius, the Bishop of Cyrene and the designated keeper of early Christian documents, abused his position of trust and corrupted all the manuscripts in his custody. Thus, the Bible is not the inspired word of God since the biblical scripture was forged by a renegade disciple who never knew the true identity of Christ or why he was sent to Earth.  And since Lucius did not perceive nor comprehend the purpose for the Messiah’s earthly visit, his ignorance permeates the New Testament which has been transmitted like a contagious disease to all readers of the Bible for the past two millennia. This is why Christians don’t understand the reason for Christ’s mission to the Earth… and it is also why they have falsely identified Jesus as the Son of God, their Lord and savior. The falsity and mischief of Lucius is the reason for the false creeds and doctrine that support Christianity (i.e. Lucianity). Christ didn’t come to earth in order to start a new religion, he only came to confirm the truth of Genesis 1:27 and demonstrate via his crucifixion and resurrection that man had life after physical death and burial in a grave. The mission of Jesus validated the Law of Moses by showing that man possesses a soul with everlasting spiritual life, something most of the Jews no longer believed. (Note: See other articles on this website for a more detailed analysis of Christ’s mission). 

Nevertheless, the mischief by Lucius is only part of the issue. Christians have also compounded their theological ignorance by misreading Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians. In Chapter 15 at verse three (3), Paul wrote “… Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.” In this instance, Paul (a Jew) was writing to a synagogue of Jews … and the scriptures he mentions (those written by Isaiah and Daniel) had addressed only the sins of the Jews, not the sins of the Gentiles (i.e. all the non-Jews in the world). These facts justify Paul’s use of the modifying adjective “our” in this verse. However, for many centuries, this verse has been repetitiously misread ad nauseam by Christians because they constantly and inevitably fail to recognize the qualifying phrase “according to the scriptures.” As a consequence, Christians have falsely assumed that Jesus died for their sins, when in fact Christ only died because of the sins committed by the Jews. Christ said “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 15:24, KJV) and he told his disciples “Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Mathew 10: 5-6, KJV). The Gentiles never had a covenant with God nor did they subscribe to Mosaic Law, so it was impossible for them to violate the covenant or the laws of Moses. Thus, the rationale for Christ’s earthly mission is the sins of the Jews, not the Gentiles, and not the Christians either because they didn’t exist until sometime in the late 90’s AD.  Be that as it may, Isaiah reported that Christ would be a “great light” in the lives of the Gentiles (Isaiah 9:2, Septuagint; Luke 2: 32, KJV), and for 2000 years, such has been the case. Thanks to God and Christ, all mankind now knows they have souls which have everlasting spiritual life.    

In the Sherlockian opinion of the detective, the Christian concept of a Trinity is only a silly, hair-brained, half-wit notion. There isn’t the slightest bit of evidence to support such a bizarre premise, other than the forgery of Lucius, the Bishop of Cyrene. He is the one who fabricated the fictional Baptism story in the synoptic gospels depicting God the Father … the son Jesus … and the Holy Spirit. He also forged a multitude of  similar verses — and randomly interspersed them throughout the New Testament. Nearly every one of these verses can be attributed to the forgery of Lucius.  In any event, there are many biblical reasons to justify why the idiosyncratic belief of three entities in one is ridiculous, and sinfully wrong theologically. In support of this assertion, no authentic, or legitimate, Bible scripture exists which supports a belief in a triune God. And, for another thing, it is manifestly contrary to the Mosaic Code (the Law that God gave Moses), and … it also contradicts other testimonial verses inside the scripture of the Bible. Accordingly, in compliance with this God-mandated law, most Jews pay homage only to the Lord. They strictly obey the First Commandment … knowing full well God has no image, as revealed in the Book of Exodus, chapter 20 verse 4. The scripture of Moses was also heeded when the Jews constructed their Temple in Jerusalem. They respectfully designed the Inner Sanctum, the most sacred place in the temple, to reflect the message of Exodus 20. In this regard, the Inner Sanctum is completely vacant, barren, and totally empty without any display of a physical image. Why? Because God said no image in heaven, on earth, or under the waters of the earth represent the Lord. Thus, Judaism does not accept the concept of a Trinity since this contrived image of God violates the Mosaic Code. Conversely, the Christian perspective on this issue is entirely different. Thus, even though Christians subscribe to the Ten Commandments, and the same God as the Jews, they routinely pray to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, which is a visible, and very discernible   violation, of the First Commandment. Many also pray to Mary, and the various saints. However, Jesus, Mary, and the saints are human beings. None of them are God, and Jesus by his own admission, revealed he was a human being (See Revelation 1:17). Similarly, Isaiah 53:12 reports the Suffering Servant (i.e. Jesus) is a Transgressor (i.e. a sinner). God can never be accused of sinning, so according to Isaiah’s scripture, Jesus is a man, and not God. Additionally, Jesus identified himself to John on the Isle of Patmos as the “First and the Last.” He identified himself as a human being because the soul in his body was the same soul that was inside Adam … the First Man, and a sinner. This is the underlying reason why God chose Jesus to come to earth as the Messiah. It is Christ’s God-given role to bring (or lead) all souls back into the house of God, even if he has to die to do it.  Moreover, Daniel 7:13 identifies Jesus as the Son of Man (i.e. a human being) in his prophetic vision. So, the weight of evidence shows that Jesus was a human, and all these Bible verses point to one, inescapable conclusion. There is no Trinity, because Jesus was human, not God, or the son of God. And in this same vein, Jesus was not the only begotten son of God. Read Isaiah 7:14 again: Mary will have a son.  God didn’t report the child would be the Lord’s son. Sons and daughters are earthly images, not images in the celestial world. And to elaborate on this point, God infused the soul of Jesus into his physical body in the same manner which occurred 30 years later, when the Lord infused the soul of Jesus back into his mangled, bloody, lifeless, body laying inside the tomb. This point indirectly confirms the virginity of Mary since it explains how she became pregnant (i.e. just God’s will). 

Reincarnation also explains how the second coming of Jesus enabled him to regain life and arise from his grave. Nothing is beyond the capacity of God as proven by the virgin birth and then years later, the resurrection of Jesus. In summary, the death and resurrection of Jesus only makes sense if he was human. It shows the soul of Man is everlasting, and there really is life after the grave. This event fulfilled its God-given purpose since “his rebirth” refuted the false belief of the Sadducee Jews about the soul-less, nonexistent destiny of Man. In this respect, everyone already knows God can’t die, because God lives forever, so no spiritual purpose would be served by scourging and crucifying the Lord, if it was even possible… which it isn’t!  Therefore, in light of the fact Jesus is not God, but only a human being — there is no Trinity. By definition, a flesh and blood, physical human being can never be part of a Triune God since God has no image. The Lord is invisible, a celestial entity which presents no visible image to Man. Conjunctively, there is no triune God, and as such, absolutely no basis for the idiosyncratic belief of ‘three entities in one’ … since Jesus isn’t, and never was, the son of God. The second arm of the Trinity is absent. It is missing, and only survives as a fictional concept fabricated by the Fourth Century Bishops. 

Thus, the Trinity is only foolish, speculative, supposition, and poppycock — surmised to be founded for the most part on the fictional, fake baptism story depicted in three synoptic gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Each of these identical stories was fabricated by the same evasive, epigrammatic disciple — Lucius, the Bishop of Cyrene. Thus, the Trinity doesn’t exist, except in a fictitious, make-believe, fantasy world created by Lucius. It has never existed in the real world. This ancient concept is devoid of any real theological support, and it only represents the gullible thinking of credulous church Bishops who based their Trinitarian belief on the contrived scripture inside the New Testament.  It is perceived the whole idea of a “Trinity” materialized after the Bishops read the fictional Baptism story created by Lucius. Why? Because it is the only place where God the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Son are all mentioned at the same time in an event which is presumed to be true, i.e. the Baptism of Jesus. Even the gospel of the Apostle John tends to support the presence of a Spirit when ‘John the Baptist’ mentions he “beheld the Spirit descending as a dove” that abode upon Jesus.

(Note: The detective discerns Lucius corrupted John’s depiction of the Baptism. The Reason:  Verses 1:29-33 in John’s gospel report this … John the Baptist didn’t know Jesus. Except, he was the cousin of Jesus; probably an Essene like Jesus; and, his role was to prepare the way for Jesus. Thus, John was well acquainted with Jesus contrary to these verses. Thus, the conclusion: Lucius corrupted John’s gospel.)  

Compounding these scriptural issues, John the Baptist (the only witness at the Baptism of Jesus), does not report hearing the voice of God the Father. Moreover, he doesn’t report hearing the voice of anyone else, and he really didn’t see the Spirit, but only perceived its presence. In describing Christ’s baptism, John claims he “beheld the Spirit descending as a dove” from the sky, and as he watched, it took abode upon Jesus. John may have sensed a spirit was around, or over Jesus, but how could he see it, when it is invisible to man? If he had really seen the spirit, then he would have described it, but he couldn’t describe something which is invisible to the human eye, so he used a dove to analogously describe the Spirit. Much later, Lucius took John’s story and fabricated his untrue, made-up, mythical version of the Baptism event for the three synoptic gospels. These three gospel stories are only the fiction of Lucius, but unfortunately, the Bishops of the early church were completely hornswoggled, and deceived by the fake baptism story.  As a consequence, the detective perceives they developed the concept of a Trinity in their fervid attempt to rationally explain the irrational, or said another way, the relationship of the three entities identified in the fake Baptism story of Lucius, two of which would have been invisible. They didn’t realize the fabled Baptism, and all the other references to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Spirit) in the New Testament, had also been forged by Lucius. In this regard, the Bishops should have been more diligent and focused. If they read just a little further into John’s gospel, they would know Jesus reported God has no voice or image (John 5:37), which may have revealed to them … they were only reading the fiction of Lucius.  Additionally, if God has no image, like Jesus reported, then a Trinity can’t exist, since a Trinity, by definition, is an image … albeit fake image — of a godhood depicting three-entities.

Then after two Church Councils in 325 and 381 CE, the concept of a Trinity was inscribed into the Nicene Creed. Thus, ever since the fourth century, the following beliefs have been Christian dogma:

 We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God … begotten of the Father before all worlds, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father … And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father, who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified, who spake by the prophets … (Creeds of Christendom, Volume 1, 24-29)

 Except, God isn’t the “Father Almighty.”  The Lord is definitely Almighty, but God doesn’t identify as a “Father” since no earthly image of God exists (Exodus 20:4). This false assignment of anthropomorphic features to God is something the Lord does not appreciate. It is a belittlement of God’s true identity of which Man has no conception; and the Lord Jesus Christ … is a false identification of Jesus. He is not the Lord … God is the Lord. Jesus was a human being as pointed-out above. Isaiah, Daniel, and Jesus all agree, concur, and confirm his human identity. Jesus identified himself only as the son of Man (i.e. a human being), but Lucius converted most of these verbal phrases originally found in scripture of the Apostles to the son of God.  Since Lucius was the Keeper of Records for the early church, he was the sole, living person capable of    corrupting the various scriptures. Jesus identified himself as a human, never as God or the Lord. His purpose as a human was to prove to the Jews via his Resurrection, they (as humans) have an everlasting living soul that existed even after the grave. 

And, the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the only-begotten son of God. The Lord God said Man (both male and female) are made in God’s image, and that spiritual image does not reflect a male or female body. Remember: God has no physical image and neither do the souls of Man since they are made in the image of God. God is spiritual energy and so are the souls of all mankind. Thus Jesus is not the only begotten son of God;   this physical attribution has misidentified Jesus for a very, very long time. If a person studiously reads Isaiah 7:14, the verse reports God will give a sign, and “a virgin will bear a son;” it doesn’t proclaim a son will be born to the Lord God, because the soul of Jesus has existed since eternity (as all human souls have), and thus, Christ’s soul was not being born either in a spiritual or a physical sense. It was only being moved, transferred, or relocated to earth. This is a difficult nut for people to crack, because most humans cannot think outside the box of their own physical world. The spiritual realm of God is beyond man’s imagination since man resides in a three-dimensional sphere. However, the soul of Christ (or the person we know as Jesus) was sent, i.e. dispatched to Earth by God (and it had no gender identity). This soul then entered, and occupied, the male physical body of Jesus that God created for him on earth. It is perceived this incarnation probably occurred on Yom Kippur (5BCE), but the soul of Jesus was not born, since it had existed for eternity prior to taking up residence on earth. Christ is not the only son of God since all souls in this vast world entering male bodies (or female bodies) enter into the flesh the same way. Thus, if all souls enter human bodies in the same manner, then Jesus can’t be the only begotten son of God. This expression is a misnomer, since the existing, living soul of Christ was moved, and relocated to earth, not spiritually born or physically born (See John: 6: 38 – 40 as one of many times where Jesus says he was sent to earth). Therefore, he was not begotten (in a sexual or reproductive sense), nor was he the son of God from a spiritual perspective … because his soul has no masculine image … it is LIGHT or spiritual energy. Also, Christ’s incarnation into a male body was not an accident. His physical body represents the original sin he committed in the Garden of Eden. This is the reason Jesus identified himself as “the first and the last” to John on the Isle of Patmos (Revelation 1: 17-18). John understood the destiny of Christ’s soul, so he knew the soul in Christ was the same soul that was in Adam. Jesus also knew John would recognize him in his celestial state by those identifying words.

And the Holy Ghost, the third arm of the Trinity does not exist … Why? Because the   message of God to Moses on Mt. Sinai (Exodus 20:4) contradicts this belief. Thus, if there is no image of God, then it is impossible for the Trinity to exist. And, since there is no triune God, the ‘Holy Spirit’ is a fictional entity. This Holy Spirit and God are one and the same. The singular reason for a belief in a Holy Spirit originates with Lucius, and undoubtedly, his fictional story about the Baptism of Jesus. After he wrote this story, he then inserted multiple verses in the Bible’s scripture about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And, because Lucius injected these entities into various gospels and the epistles which he wrote (not the Apostles or Paul), people have been fooled about the reality of the Holy Spirit. The sign of the cross by Catholics has also perpetuated a false belief in a Holy Spirit as an individual, distinct being — separate from two other entities within a triune God. In any event, if there was a separate “spiritual” entity at the Baptism of Jesus, then it could have been an angel (such as Gabriel or Michael). 

As the book Lucianity explains, Lucius, the Bishop of Cyrene, never understood the reason Jesus incarnated on earth. As such, his ignorance and all his false beliefs are embedded into the verses of the New Testament. He was able to corrupt the epistles and gospels of every disciple because he possessed all their documents — as the Keeper of Records. The church Bishops in the Fourth Century never realized this fact about Lucius when they drafted the Nicene Creed. As a result, they created a Creed which does not correctly reflect history … or true Christian belief. The Creed contains multiple misstatements about Christianity, and one of those misstatements relates to the Trinity or the governance of Man by an oligarchical spiritual entity. The Bishops tried to rationalize the events, and beliefs, they found in the New Testament, but in the end, they only compounded the falsity of Lucius.  

“For God so loved the world, 
that he gave his only begotten Son, 
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, 
but have everlasting life.”
(King James Bible)

This commentary about John 3:16 is provided by the detective after several people asked him about the truth of this popular Bible verse. Christians flash this written verse on hand-held posters at many public places, but particularly during televised sporting events. Although many Christians earnestly believe in the truth of this verse, the evidence is strikingly clear, they have been deceived, and simplistically fooled, by the guile of a prodigious forger. John didn’t write this verse … Lucius, the Bishop of Cyrene wrote it. And, on top of that, John would never write this verse himself since he knew the actual identity of Jesus, and the God-given reason why Christ came to earth. Thus, it is sad to say, but the people who constantly quote this verse, and the people who wave the posters at the sporting events, don’t even understand the religious faith they are desperately trying to promote. In this specific regard, John knew Jesus was not the son of God, and people who have studied the Bible should also know it. Why? Because the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday is totally meaningless, if he was God, or the Son of God. It only has meaning if he was a human being. Furthermore, the contents of the message are false and dogmatically untrue, and anyone who proclaims to be a devout Christian should immediately perceive this fact. The bottom line is this: the above verse should really be titled ~ Lucius 3:16 !!!

In breaking down this verse, it is a given that God loved (loves) the world, but this is not the reason God gave (up) “his only begotten son.” The latter phrase is shown in quotes because it is a false description of Christ, and it completely misrepresents who he is.  John would never make this statement, but Lucius would because he didn’t know or understand the mission of Christ. As Isaiah 53:6 reported, God gave up Jesus, but not for the world, only for the Jews. Jesus came to the earth strictly for the lost sheep of Israel because they had corrupted Mosaic Law, and violated the Lord’s covenant which they had made with God. At the time of Moses, only the Jews believed in the true God, but then, after the passing of many centuries, the Jews (i.e. Sadducees) had severely corrupted the scripture, and the Jews no longer believed in the everlasting life of the soul. This is the reason why Christ came to earth, and the justification for God’s well-planned, three-day death, and resurrection of the Messiah. Despite all the foregoing, Jesus was not the “only begotten son” of God. Jesus was a human being, the anointed one of God who was sent to earth solely to die, and resurrect, in order to demonstrate Man lived after his burial in a grave.

In this regard, the Lord God said … Man (both male and female) are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27). However, God’s spiritual image does not reflect a male or female body, or anything else for that matter. The image is only light (i.e. spiritual energy) so it doesn’t display any human form or physical characteristics. Remember: God has no physical image (Exodus 20:4) and neither do the souls of Man since they are made in the image of God. God is spiritual energy and so are the souls of all mankind. Thus, Jesus is not the begotten son of God because there are no gender assignments in the spiritual world; this physical attribution has misidentified Jesus for a very, very long time.

If a person studiously reads Isaiah 7:14, the verse reports God will give a sign, and “a virgin will bear a son;” it doesn’t proclaim a son will be born to the Lord God, since the soul of Jesus has existed since eternity (as all human souls have), and thus, Christ’s soul was not being born either in a spiritual or a physical sense. It was only being moved, transferred, or relocated to earth. The word which describes this relocation to earth is “Reincarnation.” This is a difficult nut for people to crack, because most humans cannot think outside the box of their own physical world. The spiritual realm of God is beyond man’s ability to comprehend since man resides in a three-dimensional sphere. However, the soul of Christ (or the person we know as Jesus) was sent, i.e. dispatched to Earth by God (and it had no gender identity). This soul then entered, and occupied, the physical body of Jesus (a male) created for him on earth. The baby Jesus was born on Yom Kippur in 5BCE. Even so, the soul of Jesus was not born, since it had existed for eternity prior to taking up temporary residence on earth. Christ is not the only son of God since all souls in this vast world entering male bodies (or female bodies) enter into the flesh the same way. Thus, if all souls enter human bodies in the same manner, then Jesus can’t be the only begotten son of God… because God doesn’t have earthly sons, only spiritual souls in the image of God. This expression is a misnomer, since the existing, living soul of Christ was moved, and relocated to earth. The soul of Jesus was not a new soul … it was a very old soul … so it wasn’t spiritually born or physically born (See John: 5: 37 & 6:38 where Jesus says he was sent to earth). And, Jesus could not be sent to earth, if he did not exist prior to his arrival on earth. Therefore, Christ was not begotten (in a reproductive or sexual sense), nor was he the son of God from a spiritual perspective … because his soul had no masculine image. God only ensured the soul of Christ would take up residence in the physical body of Jesus. Also, Christ’s incarnation into a male body on earth was not an accident. His male physical body represents the original sin he committed in the Garden of Eden. This is the reason Jesus identified himself as “the first and the last” to John on the Isle of Patmos (Revelation 1: 17). John understood the destiny of Christ’s soul, so he knew the soul inside Christ’s physical body was the same soul that resided in Adam’s body during his incarnation as the first man. Jesus also knew John would recognize him in his celestial state if he used those identifying words.

As previously stated, the detective claims John’s verse 3:16 was written by Lucius, and the next lines of the verse confirm this belief. The beliefs of Lucius were oddly inconsistent, and very confused, and as such, he believed Jesus held “God-like” status. Therefore, with this background, a person now knows why these following words were written “that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” As fully explained in “Lucianity,” Lucius perceived Jesus to be God, or the son of God, since he saw Jesus alive before, and after his crucifixion … and that is all he knew. To him, there was no spiritual dimension to the resurrection of Jesus, and he didn’t understand that God is the one who made it all possible. So when Lucius wrote this verse, he believed a person would have eternal, and ever-lasting “physical” life, not an everlasting spiritual life. He was a Sadducee Jew, or he thought like a Sadducee Jew… so Lucius was thinking just like he had been taught or believed. This is the reason the New Testament scripture reports the “Rapture” and physical bodies rising up and out of their graves at the sound of a trumpet. He saw Jesus physically alive after his resurrection, and maybe even Lazarus physically alive after his alleged death, so Lucius erroneously concluded the same destiny was the future of all mankind. Nonetheless, this perception by Lucius is categorically wrong because the flesh of people does perish, and the dead will not have everlasting life in their physical bodies made of flesh.   

On the other hand, John understood Jesus didn’t hold any God-like status. He knew Jesus was a human being, and the one designated by God to be the Messiah, the one who would reaffirm the truth of the Mosaic Code by his resurrection. He also knew Jesus was the First and the Last since the soul in Jesus was the same soul that existed in the first man, Adam. So clearly understanding Jesus was only a human being and not God, John would stress belief in God, and never in Jesus, but only his teachings. He knew Jesus couldn’t save people; they had to save themselves by their good works and prayer to God, in compliance with the First Commandment. John would never claim that just a belief in Jesus was sufficient to obtain ‘everlasting life’.  Moreover, John already knew the souls of men were everlasting, as proven by the teaching of Christ. In his gospel, at John 3: 1-13, Jesus instructs Nicodemus about Reincarnation. This dogma about the souls of humans descending from heaven and repeatedly incarnating into new-born bodies was a dogma of Jesus and Christianity. It was a central doctrine of the Christian faith for over 500 years … at least until the wife of Emperor Justinian, the Empress of Rome, known as Theodora, eradicated the belief by issuing anathemas and taking control of the Church in the sixth century. She fired Popes and Bishops and proclaimed there would be only one Pope, and he would be domiciled in the City of Rome where the Church would be under her control and watchful eye (See Revelation 17, Theodora is identified as the Mother of Fornications (or Harlots) sitting on the seven hills or mountains of Rome.) Reincarnation was also a tenet, or a belief of Judaism (the religion of Moses) before the Sadducees, a Jewish political party, rewrote and corrupted the Mosaic Law (or the doctrine). Except, it really shouldn’t be considered a belief, since Reincarnation is a fact of human existence, and the way a human being actually saves his soul, and obtains everlasting spiritual life. Reincarnation substantiates life after the grave, and it supports the fact human beings are blessed with everlasting life. Christ confirmed this dogma of Judaism and Christianity by his resurrection. It also indirectly refutes   the contents of the message presented in John 3:16 (written by Lucius), because it reveals Man already possesses everlasting spiritual life despite one’s belief about Jesus. The corruption of this belief about the everlasting existence of the soul is essentially why Christ was sent to earth.  In conclusion, all these points unveiled above, verify the fact, it was Lucius who reported the words in verse 3:16, not John.   

Nonetheless, this review of John 3:16 in the above paragraphs is only a theological and scriptural analysis of this one, single, isolated verse standing alone in the midst of 878 other verses contained in John’s gospel. Furthermore, this constantly, yet thoughtlessly quoted verse, which was allegedly written by John only represents one out of nearly 8000 verses contained within the pages of the New Testament. Thus, this verse, like all other verses, don’t stand alone in the Bible. In fact, contrary to all Christian promotion and evangelising, this much quoted verse is an unbelievably poor example to use in professing the faith… since it doesn’t represent the message of Christ. John 3:16 is actually the godless belief of Lucius because he believed in the physical resurrection, and everlasting ‘physical’ life, not the spiritual resurrection of Man, and everlasting spiritual life of human souls.
People have read corrupted bible scripture for the last 2000 years and they believe every word of it. They are unable to distinguish truth from fiction and as a result, they don’t understand the very narrow purpose of the anointed one’s mission to earth. Very briefly, a short history:  the Jews under Moses believed in one God in heaven, and this God freed them from slavery in Egypt due to their prayers. Once in Israel, God gave Moses the law on Mt. Sinai (the Ten Commandments) and a covenant was established between the Jews and God. Then, about the time of Solomon (or 480 some years later) a new political party developed in Israel — the Sadducees. Looking at the Torah very legalistically, the Sadducees began to reinterpret the Mosaic Code, and in the process, denied one of its most basic and fundamental laws, Genesis 1:27 (which stated ~ God made Man in his image, both male and female). At the time of Moses, the Jews believed they had everlasting spiritual life because they were made in the image of God. And since their life was eternal, they could also be born again or reincarnate. But the Sadducees claimed Man lost everlasting life due to his fall from grace in the Garden of Eden. And, based on their belief, the soul of Man dissipated upon death, and there was no individual identity or existence after death. Thus, Reincarnation no longer existed as a tenet within their dogma. This latter corrupted dogma caused some Jews to worship idols since they realized there was no purpose for their mortal lives. It also led to the corruption by the priests at the temple. Based strictly on these sins of the Jews, and their violation of the covenant with God, Isaiah prayed to the Lord. God responded with definitive information about the Messiah, a Jewish man who would deal with the Jewish sins (See Chapters One & 53 of Isaiah). Isaiah prayed to the Lord to forgive the sins of the Jews; he didn’t pray for any other people or nations. As such, the Messiah would not deal with the sins of the Gentiles (i.e. everyone else in the world); he would only come for the sins of the Jews. 

Then, maybe 200 to 250 years after Isaiah, the Jewish Prophet Daniel also prays to God due to the all the sins committed by Jews, and requests the Lord’s forgiveness. God responds via the messenger Gabriel … who advises Daniel when his vision will be answered and when the Anointed one (the Messiah) will come to Judea. The Messiah, Jesus, the anointed one, would come in accordance with a 70 Weeks (or 490 years) agenda to remedy the sins of the Jews, not for anyone else in the World, just the Jews. To repeat, the Son of Man (i.e. a human being, or in this case Jesus) would come per Daniel … not the Son of God, and not the begotten Son of God (which is impossible as pointed out above). In the 483rd year (or 26 CE), Christ made his public appearance to the Jewish people (just as foretold in the 70 Week message), due to their corruption of the law (i.e. the Mosaic Code) and their constant violation of the covenant which (the Jews) had established with the Lord God. Only the Jews lived under Mosaic Law, and only the Jews had a covenant with God. That is one of the reasons they were (at one time) the chosen people. Unlike everyone else in the world who prayed to idols, and other odd things, the Jews believed in the true God and prayed to this true God, the Lord in heaven. 

As manifested in Revelation 1: 17, the Apostle John knew the real identity of Jesus and why he was on earth. John was a cousin of Jesus, and his selection as an apostle was not accidental. Thus, since John knew everything briefly summarized above, he would never write verse 3:16. He knew Jesus wasn’t the begotten Son of God and Jesus didn’t come to save the world. Jesus only came for the lost sheep of Israel because they are the ones who broke the commandments and defied the covenant adopted, and unanimously approved, by the Jews. John 3:17 reports once again the Son was sent to save the world. This is the continuing corruption of Lucius because John would never write such false scripture. John 3:18 amplifies the falsity  and corruption of verses even further when it mentions Jesus as the only begotten Son again (something which John would not write) and retracing back to John 3:15, it claims anyone who believes in the Son should not perish, but have eternal life. This false scripture continues, verse after verse, and chapter after chapter. Once again, John would not write any of this since he already knew Man had eternal life, and Man wouldn’t perish whether he believed in Jesus or not. Like Jesus, John only prayed to the Lord God in heaven. 

People have failed to recognize the extent of the Bible’s scriptural corruption by Lucius for two millennia. This is something that could only happen if they didn’t understand their religious faith. They have blindly and unthinkingly accepted every false assertion in the New Testament (for example John 3:16), and whatever else a priest or minister has falsely uttered. The scripture of John, and the scripture of the other gospels, are replete with the bogus thoughts and beliefs of Lucius. “Christians” must learn to separate truth from fiction. Lucius created and spread his false dogma from beginning to end in the New Testament; he is responsible for fabricating nearly 75% of the scripture. Such being the case, the Bible Detective willingly and openly declares that “Christians” have been bamboozled about their adopted faith. After 2000 years, it is a sad thing to say, but they have been deceived. Due to the sly, and masterful forgery of Lucius, Christians of the past were lulled into accepting his false dogma or Lucianity. Today, it is no different, as exemplified by the belief in John 3:16.  The Detective piously pleads with God that people of faith will awaken to all the false beliefs to which they subscribe, and pray only to the Lord God in heaven, and no one else, not even Jesus Christ or any of the saints, because they are all human beings. And, in truth, when prayers by Christians (ministers and laity alike) are addressed to the Lord Jesus Christ (due to the unrecognized forgery of Lucius), people are clearly violating the first commandment of God. Without clearly thinking about their actions, they are in direct violation of God’s law since they are praying to other gods. As a result and consequence, “Christians” routinely violate the First Commandment of God, more than any other commandment. 

When the detective conducted his Bible investigation, he was shocked to learn how ignorant, and ill-informed, ‘devout’ Christians are about their religion. For instance, he discovered nobody knew or understood the foundational dogma of Christianity.  Additionally, not a single ‘church-attending, Bible-toting, scripture quoting’ person could accurately explain why their chosen faith exists. These poor souls are truly ‘Lost Sheep.’ They were only capable of spouting the platitudes … learned in Sunday school at an early and impressionable age — none of which are true. Surprisingly, even the ministers, priests, and chaplains were unable to correctly answer two very simple and elementary questions — i.e. (1) who was Jesus; and (2) why did he visit earth? … thus confirming the adage about the blind, leading the blind. 

Today, Christianity is only a pretense in the lives of most people. The Reason: If ‘Christians’ don’t even know the underlying rationale (i.e. the basic doctrine) or essence of their adopted faith, then how is it logically possible for them to identify as Christians? In truth, most people only feign a belief in Christianity, since they don’t comprehend the fundamentals of their religion. Neither the clergy nor the laity can factually delineate why Jesus was in Judea. Their common reply is “he came to save us from our sins” a comment which only proves, they haven’t got a clue. Much of the problem can be traced to the ministers and priests because they have intentionally downplayed and dismissed this key topic from their sermons for years. The reason for this neglect: Christianity’s core rationale intertwines with another very sensitive issue they don’t want to discuss. That issue is the Jews, and their direct involvement in the death of Christ. 

The Jews are righteously sensitive about this subject, since they believe the issue has engendered emotional, irrational, anti-Semitic attacks. Historically they are right, because in far too many instances, all Jews have been blamed for the sins which were committed only by a few identified ancient priests. Ever since the diaspora during the first century, the Jews have not been treated kindly by many countries. Due to this history, ministers of late have modified their preaching, and their sermons, about Christ’s death to ensure ‘living’ Jews aren’t blamed for the sin of their ‘dead’ forefathers. They also hope to prevent another holocaust by down-playing the guilt of Jews … but now, they have gone too far … for too long in the other direction, and that in turn, has impaired and diminished an understanding of Christianity’s true gestalt. Thus, to some degree, these deliberate efforts by church officials to minimize Jewish culpability for the death of Jesus … justifies, and even explains, the ignorance of Christians about their faith. Why? Because … the true history and theological underpinnings of the Christian religion are now completely absent from catechisms and sermons. 

As such, most Christians are completely unaware the doctrine contained in the Old Testament was radically changed (i.e. corrupted) about five centuries after Moses. Christians don’t know this salient fact … except, it is the direct cause, and the very reason Christianity came into existence. Unfortunately, this background information has been side-stepped and neglected when discussing the Christian religion. In this regard, even the Christian ministers are probably unaware the Jewish priests had severely corrupted Mosaic dogma. However, their silence on this issue does speak loudly. Either they don’t know, or they have intentionally decided not to discuss the matter of Bible corruption. Nonetheless, it is this false, corrupted version of dogma  proclaimed by the Sadducee Rabbis and priests that precisely divulges why Jesus died and resurrected from the tomb. These Jewish Sadducee’s had re-interpreted the doctrine of Moses (specifically verses in the Book of Genesis), and this is what really explains the underlying, definitive reason for Christ’s presence on Earth. God sent Christ to the Jews in order to correct their false understanding of Mosaic Law. Even so, as the scriptures of Isaiah and Daniel duly testify, the rabbinical corruption of dogma began many centuries before the crucifixion of Jesus. Thus, in this regard, the infamous cast of Jewish priests, Caiaphas and Annas in particular, are innocent since they lived in the first century, and did not create the corruption. They only believed in the false dogma and endorsed it. In any event, Jewish history has been overlooked and is completely absent from the sermons of priests and Christian ministers. As a result, the logic supporting the rationale of the Christian religion has been undermined and profoundly compromised, but it won’t be in this article.     

Regrettably, this state of affairs has resulted in a flock of misguided and lost sheep. So, hopefully the following synopsis will bring understanding to some elusive issues in the Christian faith. First: Christianity did not become a separate, distinct religion until about 95 CE. This date is 60 plus years after Jesus was crucified. Why? Because during those seven decades of intervening years, the people who would eventually become known as Christians were represented by a sect of messianic Jews. It was only after the High Priest booted the ‘followers of Jesus’ out of the synagogues did Christianity take-off and become a new, independent faith. 

And second: Jesus did not come to save ‘all of us,’ or all mankind. Christ only came to “save” the Jews. Why? Because they were the only people who violated the Law of Moses and the covenant established with God. No one else followed Mosaic Law or had a covenant with God, only the Jews. Everyone else was praying to Caesar, Zeus, Dragons, Mars, Jupiter and idols of stone, gold, and silver. If a person is not a Jew, then most likely their ancestors were praying to these idols and false gods. So thank the Jews for knowledge of the true God. In any event, everyone has been misled by the false interpretation of Paul’s verse at First Corinthians 15:3. In this epistle, Paul (a Jew) was corresponding with a synagogue of Jews (i.e. messianic Jews), when he said Jesus died for our sins, and he even qualified his verse with the phrase “according to the scriptures.” Thus, Jesus didn’t die for the sins of people living today because they aren’t committing the sins that the Jews committed 2000 years ago. People today believe they have a soul which will exist after death, something the Jews no longer believed after the Sadducees corrupted Mosaic doctrine. And … Paul was referring to the scriptures of Isaiah and Daniel which only deal with the sins of the Jews, not any person identified as a gentile. However, the Prophet Isaiah (9:1-2) did report the Messiah, or the Prince of Peace, would be a great light in the lives of gentiles (i.e. all non-Jews). The Prophet Daniel (7:14) concurs with Isaiah and both of them have been correct in their prognostications. One third of the world’s population now claims to be Christian. 

And third — the real reason God sent Christ to earth:                                                            About four or five centuries after Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai, the Jews started reinterpreting Mosaic Law and corrupting its true meaning. Then during and after the Greek/ Hellenistic religious persecution in approximately 167-168 BCE under the rule of Antiochus Epiphanes, the corruption was formalized because the Sadducees held the power in Judea. This historical period is not very clear but over time the Jews altered the meaning of Genesis 1:27. This verse reports the Lord made Man, both male and female, in the image of God, and Moses further taught this meant the Jews possessed everlasting spiritual life since they are made in God’s image. They also understood their flesh would perish, and since their souls lived forever, they could be reborn time after time when their souls reincarnated into new and different physical bodies. However, the Sadducees disagreed with this theology. They denied this Mosaic belief and claimed Man lost everlasting life after expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Why? Because Man could no longer eat from the Tree of Life. They further claimed that when death came, the soul dissipated … so there was no life after death (This is a rough summary of Jewish dogma and it is a very short or abbreviated version). Anyway, this Jewish sin (i.e. the corruption of the Mosaic Code (Law) by the Sadducees) is the real reason God sent Christ to earth; it wasn’t because of original sin, or any other sin committed by Man.
Then, sometime in the eighth century BCE, the Prophet Isaiah prays and asks God to forgive the sins of the Jews. Why? Because the chosen people had forsaken God and sinfully violated the law of God by praying to idols, a grievous transgression and a willful violation of the First Commandment. They were also committing other sins related to the ordinances — such as making idols constructed by the hands of men.   Under the rule of the Sadducees, these sins now prevailed since the Jews no longer perceived any meaningful reason or purpose for their earthly existence. They had no hope for the future since Sadducee Priests and Rabbis claimed their souls would dissipate into nothingness at death. Due to this belief, the Jews needed to find a spiritual rationale for living, so they sought refuge and satisfaction in idols. The Jews had sinned in many other ways also, such as the priests corrupting the sacrifices, feast days, and temple operations. God responded to Isaiah and answered his earnest prayers. The Lord advised him in explicit detail that a Messiah would be sent to earth where he would suffer death and then ‘resurrect’ (i.e. prolong his days via Light). God did this solely to demonstrate Man had a soul that lived after the physical death of the human body and it didn’t dissipate like the Sadducees believed. See Isaiah 53.      

Perceiving the same sinful issues with the Jews as Isaiah, the prophet Daniel then   humbles himself in sackcloth and ashes in the sixth century BCE, before he earnestly prays to God for the Jews and the forgiveness of their sins. Gabriel, a messenger from God, responds to Daniel and during his visit advises Daniel the Jews and the City of Jerusalem have 70 Weeks or (490) years. The message also includes an exact timetable for the anointed one’s arrival in Judea and his fulfillment of the Daniel’s vision where he had seen “one like a son of man” rise in the clouds and approach the ancient one (i.e. God). Daniel relates in Chapter 9 of his Book that the ‘anointed one’ would be the sacrifice of God on Passover in 30CE, a prophecy which was precisely fulfilled.  

Thus, when Jesus appeared in Judea, only to be crucified on the exact day given in God’s message to Daniel over 500 years in advance … and then, when Jesus died and resurrected exactly as foretold by Isaiah over 700 years in advance, Jesus Christ proved he was the anointed one of God. But more importantly, via his resurrection to life after lying dead in a tomb for three days, Christ proved the dogma of Moses was correct, since the soul of Jesus did survive death … and the Sadducee belief about Man’s soul was wrong. Christ demonstrated Man’s soul did not dissipate, but lived after the physical body was dead. Then years later, Christ did a follow-up visit with the Apostle John on the Island of Patmos where Jesus appeared in his celestial body and advised John he had everlasting life … once again confirming the doctrine of Moses about Man’s soul to be true and refuting the belief of the Sadducees.  

As spelled out above, Christ was sent to Earth by God for only one single, and specific reason. Jesus came to earth exclusively for the sin of the Jews; the Jews had corrupted the Law of Moses by denying the everlasting life of the human soul. The resurrection of Jesus (the son of Man) demonstrated the human soul does have everlasting life. Christ did not come down from heaven for the sins of gentiles. They didn’t violate Mosaic Law, because at the time, all gentiles (non-Jews) were heathens … they were pagans, and did not understand or believe in the spiritual nature of God or Man. This is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. It is an essential, fundamental building block to understanding the rationale of why Christ died on the cross … and it is something which should never be forgotten. Unfortunately, just a few Christians in the world today, know the truth about their ascribed faith. The meaning, and the significant purpose, of Christianity are not clearly understood if its historical roots and historical context are denied.

Therefore, with this background in mind, one should realize the purpose of Christ’s journey to earth was not to create a new religion, but to demonstrate Man possesses a spiritual body (i.e. a soul) that has everlasting life. In any event, Christians should not get too smug about their proclaimed faith, or themselves, because they have essentially committed the same sin as the Jews. For the first 400 to 500 years of Judaism, there was a belief in reincarnation, but the Jews in time eliminated this belief from Judaic dogma by denying the soul’s everlasting existence. And history, just like clockwork, repeated itself about 560CE, when Theodora, Empress of Rome (The Mother of Harlots at Revelation 17), took control over the Church and finally stamped out reincarnation in the Christian religion. Her actions caused Man to misunderstand the true nature of the soul and its eternal destiny. The rebirth of the human soul was a teaching of Christ (John 3:1-13) for 500 plus years, but it was never reinstated after the demise of Theodora. 

The world would be an entirely different place if people clearly understood they have eternal spiritual life and no sin goes unpunished either in this life, their next life, or a 100 lifetimes from now. There is justice in this world; it just takes time and patience. The rebirth of souls confirms and substantiates the age-old axiom: What goes around comes around. People would more likely follow the Golden Rule (Treat others as he/she expects to be treated) if this religious dogma was resurrected and firmly embedded into the minds of people. 

The title of this article is borrowed from the literary works of George Bernard Shaw (GBS), the renowned and notorious Irish playwright. The Shavian quote is front and center because it neatly describes the focus of this article concerning Lucianity, and also, pinpoints the uncomfortable situation in which the Bible detective now finds himself. As such, many “Christians” perceive the facts presented in Lucianity (the book written by the Bible detective) as blasphemy since the new information disrupts their beliefs and understanding of Christianity. They are unwilling to accept evidence which reveals Lucius forged over 75% of the New Testament, and in doing so, he also distorted the identity of Jesus, but more critically, the purpose of Christ’s incarnation on earth. Contrary to what people believe, Jesus wasn’t sent to earth to start a new religion or to save all mankind; he was only sent to confirm the truth of the original Mosaic Code, and more specifically Genesis 1:27. He was sent to affirm the spiritual nature of Man, and demonstrate that human beings are a creation made in the image of God who lived after physical death, and burial in a grave. Nevertheless, people refuse to believe 2000 years of accepted history about the Christian religion could be wrong, and thus, the detective has committed the sin of blasphemy by exposing false scripture due to the forgery of Lucius. 

In any event, the detective believes he stands in the midst of good company, because Jesus was also accused of “blasphemy.” In the first century, the Jewish Rabbis and Priests believed in a corrupted version of Judaism which they proclaimed to be true, and anyone who disagreed, violated the established law of the Theocratic State. This explains the rationale for their violent reaction to Christ because he disagreed with their interpretation of the Mosaic Code. He defied the Jewish Law and declared they believed in false dogma. However, Jesus also thrashed the money changers in the courtyard of the Temple, and this behavior was deemed an unforgivable offense. In response, the priests demanded his death by crucifixion. The public execution of Jesus proved the truth of Genesis 1:27 since his very visible death and subsequent resurrection refuted the dogma of the theocracy. These events also demonstrated that the accusations of blasphemy were false because the soul of Man didn’t die or dissipate after death. Jesus had spoken the truth about the destiny of Man’s soul, and conjunctively revealed, the beliefs and proclamations promoted by the Priests were incorrect. Similarly, the detective is accused of blasphemy since he claims the proclamations and beliefs of Christianity no longer reflect the teaching of Jesus. He maintains that the dogma and the New Testament scripture are incorrect in many ways, because just like Judaism, they have been severely corrupted in the ancient past due to the unknown forgery of Lucius. This is why people believe in Lucianity, and not true Christianity. 

Then, there is the case of Galileo Galilei. In the 17th Century, this Italian physicist, engineer, and astronomer was also condemned for blasphemy, only because he promoted a Copernican heliocentric concept (i.e. an astronomical phenomena where the Earth revolves about the Sun). At the time, based on Biblical scripture, people believed … and the Church asserted that the Earth was the center of the universe, and not the Sun. Thus, according to an Inquisition, Galileo committed a blasphemy because his concept of the world was deemed a heresy, especially since it conflicted with the Pope’s belief. In plain English, his view of the universe contradicted the approved doctrine and theological belief of the Church.  After the Inquisition, he was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life. Modern science has now proven Galileo Galilei correct, so even today, the Church accepts the updated science. These  famous cases of blasphemy (Jesus and Galileo) substantiate Arthur Schopenhauer, the renowned German Philosopher who postulated the following: All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.  

Thus, in the end, facts matter, and the truths that Jesus and Galileo taught became self-evident. However, in the case of Jesus, the truth he taught only lasted for about 550 years, before it was rejected as a Christian belief by Theodora, the Empress of Rome. The cardinal and fundamental message of Christ that she rubbed out, via her use of strongly-worded anathemas, asserted Reincarnation was a fact of human existence (John 3:1-13). Such being the case, Theodora is the reason Chapter 17 exists in Revelation, the last book of the Bible. It is her forehead where the following words are boldly written: MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (Rev 17:5, KJV). Theodora is the one responsible for erasing the tenet of Reincarnation from Christianity, the same article of faith Moses had received from God on Mt. Sinai many centuries earlier. At the time, Moses inscribed it into the doctrine of Judaism via the Book of Genesis before it was removed as a Jewish belief by the Sadducees. The truth proclaimed by Moses also lasted for about 500 years before its ultimate rejection. This Godly truth is contained in Genesis 1:27 where it states: Man, both male and female, is made in the image of God which means when translated … Man has everlasting spiritual life — Why? …. Because:  If God is everlasting, and Man is made in the Lord’s image, then Man also has eternal life. And since the Lord declared eternal spiritual life to be true, then the soul of Man has the capability of reincarnating into any number of human bodies throughout time. Reincarnation can occur whenever it is mandated by God, or the soul finds it necessary in order to redeem its prior sins. In this regard, the single reason for God sending Jesus to earth was to demonstrate that Man lived beyond the grave because he had soul in the image of God. It was to reveal the purpose and mystery of human life, so Man would understand the rationale for his/her existence and not despair. Jesus revealed this message by his resurrection to physical life after death on the cross, and also by his spiritual appearance to John on the Greek Island of Patmos where he spiritually confirmed that he possessed everlasting life. This is the same truth the Book of Lucianity reveals when it exposes all the forgery and false beliefs of Lucius. And, because this is an eternal truth since the days of Adam and Eve, it cannot be dismissed or rejected forever.

Therefore, the truths and facts revealed in the book about Lucianity, which are not readily accepted at the current time, will also be realized some-time in the future. This will occur as the book transitions from the first and second stages of Christian belief to the third stage where it will be finally accepted as self-evident. The self-evidence will come when people finally realize that the information divulged by the detective is the exact same truths and revelations espoused by Moses and Jesus. 

The book entitled “Lucianity” presents an investigation of the Bible which is unlike any other investigation in the last 2000 years. It is different because the findings and evidence of this biblical inquiry reflect that one man, an unknown disciple of Jesus, wrote approximately 75% of the 8,000 New Testament verses. Yes … the scope of his   forgery reached an unimaginable level. Traditional belief about Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Jude and James writing their scripture has been incorrect and totally wrong for the last two millennia. As such, Lucianity became a criminal inquiry into this ancient, unsolved “Cold Case” of fraud … with a primary objective of identifying the elusive culprit. During this hunt for the perpetrator, the religious and spiritual aspects of the investigation would not be neglected as Lucius, the Bishop of Cyrene was finally cornered and identified as the Bible forger. In the end, after the forger was identified, and many of his deceitful acts exposed, the book about Lucianity reflected a revised and updated catechism of Christianity. 

This aforementioned book is a new catechism because it reveals Lucius falsified and   severely misrepresented countless events and beliefs about Christianity … all of which now exist in the Holy Bible as profound scripture. The detective’s discoveries identify all these fictional claims and then he corrects them with easy to understand   factual explanations … therefore, “Lucianity” not only reflects his investigation, but it stands out as an updated catechism as well. Additionally, the sleuth uncovers bogus, and spurious dogma (or articles of faith) most of which have been a part of the liturgy   for several millennia. Today, these 2000 year old false beliefs are still accepted since they exist within the ecclesiastically approved creeds of the Christian religion. In any event, this cache of falsehoods has created a firestorm. It rages, particularly among evangelicals, and other devout church goers as it jumps from very heated discontent to complete outright despair and disbelief. Why? Because in discerning the forgery of Lucius, the gumshoe demonstrates the Bible doesn’t always reflect the inspired word of God. The answer is that simple, but in the perception of a devout Christian … it is still blasphemy to deny the truth of the biblical scripture.  

Nonetheless, in most cases, Lucius (when he wasn’t lying) only created his verses to convince non-messianic Jews that Jesus really was the Jewish Messiah. In so doing, this coy, enigmatic disciple converted Jesus into the Son of God, and even the Lord instead of representing him as the Son of Man. Lucius exaggerated Christ’s earthly abilities at every turn, while never understanding the real identity of Jesus, or firmly demonstrating he clearly comprehended the significant rationale and purpose for why God dispatched Jesus to Earth. As a result, the true mission of Christ is not spelled-out in the New Testament; it mostly reports generalities, such as Jesus came for the lost sheep. However, this Bible scripture doesn’t come close in addressing             the underlying fundamental reason for Christ’s presence in Jerusalem. As a result, uncertainties easily develop, and doubts arise, particularly about the purpose for Jesus dying on the cross. The Bible investigation presented in Lucianity resolves this issue … and many more, thereby proving it is also a worthy catechism. (For the answer to this issue, refer to Chapter 1.)

Award Winning Finalist in True Crime (Nonfiction category of the 2021 International Book Awards)

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